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Cowboys WR Depth Chart: Michael Gallup, Cedrick Wilson For More Roles On Thanksgiving


The Cowboys have one of the better receiving corps in the NFL. Their depth will be tested on Thanksgiving Day.

Amari Cooper will miss his second game due to a positive COVID test. That will knock out one of the Cowboys’ top two receivers.

Meanwhile, CeeDee Lamb suffers a concussion. However, he was limited in practice on Wednesday, so he only has to go out on the field by an independent neurologist.

However, that is no guarantee. And if Lamb can’t play, Dallas will start some receivers who are talented but may not be known to the average NFL fan.

What does Dak Prescott’s weapon collection look like for Turkey Day? And who could be his number 1 recipient? Here’s a look at the Cowboys’ uncertain wide receiver depth chart before their Thursday afternoon showdown with the Raiders.

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Cowboys WR Depth Chart

The Cowboys have one of the best receiving corps in the NFL when healthy. Even with Amari Cooper against the Raiders, their depth is solid enough. Things can get tricky if CeeDee Lamb can’t play, but they still have four receivers who have proven to be quality players throughout their NFL careers.

1. CeeDee Lam

If Lamb passes the concussion protocol, he will be the clear No. 1 recipient for the Cowboys against the Raiders. That means he’s likely to get the attention of Las Vegas’ best cover man, Casey Hayward.

Lamb leads the Cowboys with 740 yards and 50 catches this season. He also has six receiving TDs. He is Dak Prescott’s favorite target and is one of the great young receivers in the NFL. He is the true No. 1 receiving option in this offense and will get a lot of targets if he can play on Thanksgiving Day.

2. Michael Gallup

Gallup has been a bit of a forgotten man in this Cowboys attack as he has missed about half of the Dallas season and has played in just three games so far. The fourth-year pass-catcher last week saw season highs in catches (5), goals (10) and receiving yards (44) against the Chiefs with Cooper (COVID) out and Lamb (concussion protocol) leaving the game early.

During his career, Gallup averaged 15.2 yards per catch and had 1,107 receiving yards in 2019. The 6-1 receiver is a good downfield threat and will continue to see extra action as the true number 2 receiver with Cooper from. And if Lamb can’t play, he’ll be the number 1 target.

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3. Cedrick Wilson

The Cowboys were OK in Gallup’s absence as Wilson performed well in his place. Wilson has played in 10 games and has amassed 316 receiving yards and three touchdowns on 23 catches. He’s been the No. 3 receiver and hasn’t always seen many goals, he’s seen 34, good for sixth on the team, but he’s broken some big plays.

Wilson has also thrown the occasional pass this season, completing both attempts for 57 yards. Dallas will definitely try a few times to get the ball in his hands. He averages 13.7 yards per reception, which is the second most on the team, behind only Lamb among players with 10 or more receptions this season.

4. Noah Brown

Brown has emerged as a quality deep player for the Cowboys this year. He’s only had eight passes this season, but has generated 117 yards. The 6-2, 225-pound receiver is a well-rounded backup that’s both physical but can also serve as a down-the-field threat.

Brown gets some action when Cooper is gone. He has played 28 percent of offensive snaps this year and has served as the No. 4 receiver for most of the year due to Gallup’s injury.

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5. Malik Turner

Turner caught five of seven goals for 35 yards and two touchdowns in the Cowboys’ loss to the Broncos. His production largely came in downtime, but he represents another great receiver who can make contested catches and will be bigger than most defensive backs.

6. Simi Fehoko

Fehoko only played four snaps on offense this season. He has not yet been targeted and has not been active since week 3. He could dress up if Lamb can’t play, but the fifth round rookie would only be an emergency option in that case.




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