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Andy Dalton stars in Bears’ Thanksgiving win over Detroit Lions


Stay warm: Recipient Darnell Mooney posted his second straight 100-yard game, nearly matching his stats from last Sunday’s loss to the Ravens. The sophomore on Thursday had five receptions for 123 yards after five passes for 121 yards and one TD against Baltimore.

The sophomore’s only other 100-yard outing of his career came earlier this season, including against the Lions, when he had five receptions for 125 yards in a 24-14 win on October 3 at Soldier Field.

Mooney’s second-quarter 52-yard catch on Thursday delivered Dalton’s 17-yard touchdown pass to Jimmy Graham on the next game, giving the Bears their first game lead at 10-7 in the second quarter.

Mooney leads the Bears in all receiving categories with 46 catches for 694 yards and three touchdowns.

Big Jimmy: Speaking of Graham, the TD reception was his first of the season and the 83rd of his illustrious 12-year NFL career. The only tight ends with more touchdown catches in league history are Antonio Gates (116), Tony Gonzalez (111) and Rob Gronkowski (90).

Pocket Attack: Robert Quinn registered the Bears’ lone looting Thursday, taking his team leader total to 11.0, the third-highest total in the NFL, behind only the Browns’ Myles Garrett (13.0) and the Steelers’ TJ Watt (12, 5). It also gave the Bears 32 sacks this season, the most in the NFL.

When Quinn sacked Jared Goff late in the second quarter, Trevis Gipson knocked the ball loose and recovered the fumble. Goff was initially rejected from the game, but coach Matt Nagy challenged the call and it was reversed after a repeat review. It looks like when the NFL is watching the game, Gipson may be sharing the sack with Quinn.

“I didn’t realize it was coming out until I saw the rerun,” Quinn said. “I said [Gipson] he was focused on it. I don’t know how he got it out, but he grabbed it and was able to knock the ball out. He’s a young guy, but he’s doing a great job filling his part. As I tell him, I expect more and more from him. It looks like he’s seizing the opportunity.”

On the shelf: In addition to Fields, there were other Bears out with injuries, Damien Williams (calf), receiver Allen Robinson II (hamstring), defensive tackle Akiem Hicks (ankle) and defensive end Mario Edwards Jr. (ribs). Other inactives were tight end Jesper Horsted and safety Teez Tabor.

Get rid of injuries: Inside linebacker Roquan Smith (hamstring), receiver Marquise Goodwin (foot) and outside linebacker Sam Kamara (concussion) left Thursday’s game injured and did not return.

Welcome back: The Bears defense was bolstered by the return of Eddie Jackson, who has missed the previous two games with a hamstring injury. Jackson recorded three tackles in Thursday’s win.

New face: Cornerback Artie Burns made his first start of the season in place of Kindle Vildor, who has struggled in recent games. Burns delivered a 39-yard TD pass from Goff to Josh Reynolds on the Lions’ first possession, but the fourth-year pro rebounded to record two tackles and break a key third-down pass in the third quarter, causing the Lions had to kick .




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