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SEC Football by the Numbers: Top 10 for Week 13


The 13th week of the SEC’s 89th season includes five conference games and four non-conference games. Here are 10 numbers, along with the schedule, TV, and betting lines, to help you prepare for the SEC’s 13th week of 2021:

0 Ole Miss seasons included 10 regular-season wins, a milestone the Rebels would reach by defeating the state of Mississippi on Thursday night. A win over the Bulldogs would give Ole Miss 10 wins in the first 12 games of a season for the first time in 50 years. Ole Miss holds a 9-2 record for the first time since 1990, but the Rebels lost Game 12 to Michigan that season 35-3 in the Gator Bowl. In 1971, Ole Miss finished the season 10-2 by beating Georgia Tech 41-18 in the Peach Bowl. That’s the only time the Rebels have a 10-2 record. In 1962, Ole Miss finished the season with a record of 10-0. In 1960, the Rebels went 10-0-1, and they finished 10-1 in 1955 and 1959. Ole Miss also won 10 games in the 2003 and 2015 seasons, but like the teams with 10 wins before them, earned their 10th bowl victory.





1 SEC-era Vanderbilt coach won his first game against Tennessee. In 1975, Fred Pancoast led the Commodores to a 17-14 win over the Volunteers in his first season. Vanderbilt’s nine new coaches have since lost their first game against Tennessee, as have the six for Pancoast. Clark Lea will guide Vanderbilt against Tennessee for the first time on Saturday. On the field, Josh Heupel will lead Tennessee against Vanderbilt in his first season. SEC-era Vols coaches have a 9-4 record in their first game against Vanderbilt, though the past two have lost, with Butch Jones losing 14-10 in 2013 and Jeremy Pruitt losing 38-13 in 2018.

7 Consecutive weeks have been spent as the unanimous No. 1 pick in the AP Poll by Georgia. Only one other team was unanimously No. 1 in seven consecutive Alabama polls in 2018.

10 Consecutive seasons have featured at least 11 wins for Alabama. The Crimson Tide could extend the longest run of 11-win seasons in NCAA FBS history with a win over Auburn on Saturday. Alabama won 12 games in 2011, 13 in 2012, 11 in 2013, 12 in 2014, 14 in 2015, 14 in 2016, 13 in 2017, 14 in 2018, 11 in 2019, and 13 in 2020.

10 Consecutive victories for Georgia at Georgia Tech when the teams have broken up in Atlanta. Havent lost to the Bulldogs in the Yellow Jackets home field since November 27, 1999, when Georgia Tech posted a 51-48 overtime win. That’s not the only winning streak that will bring Georgia to Atlanta on Saturday. In addition to the country’s longest winning streak in 15 games, the Bulldogs have won 14 in a row against Georgia Tech when ranked and the Yellow Jackets have not. The Yellow Jackets’ most recent win at playing a ranked Georgia team without also being ranked came in 1985 in a 20-16 win over the No. 20 bulldogs. Georgia enters Saturdays game against unranked Georgia Tech at No. 1 in the AP Poll. The Bulldogs have a 12-0 record against Georgia Tech when they are in the top five.

20 Consecutive SEC games have been lost by Vanderbilt. The Commodores have not beaten a conference opponent since they defeated Missouri 21-14 on October 19, 2019. Of the seven losing streaks of at least 20 conference games in SEC history, this is Vanderbilt’s fourth. The SEC’s longest losing streak in conference play belongs to co-founder Sewanee, who lost his 36 league games from 1933 to 1939 before leaving the SEC.

21 Consecutive games between Florida and Florida have been won by the team that led at halftime. The most recent Sunshine Showdown in which the team that lost at halftime won was in 1998, when Florida closed a 12-10 deficit to win 23-12.

22 Consecutive wins for Alabama at Auburn as the Crimson Tide enters the Iron Bowl with a record at least three games better than the Tigers mark, which is the case for Saturday’s game. Alabama has a 10-1 record and Auburn has a 6-5 mark. Since the rivalry resumed in 1948, only one Auburn team has won the Iron Bowl with a record at least three games worse than the Tides mark. In 1949, the 1-4-3 Tigers 6-2-1 defeated Alabama 14-13.

50 70 game wins as LSUs coach for Ed Orgeron. As the fourth LSU coach to win 50 games, after Charles McClendon, Les Miles and Bernie Moore, Orgeron could coach the Tigers for the last time when LSU faces Texas A&M on Saturday. Orgeron is let go at the end of the season and LSU needs a win to qualify for the bowl. If the Tigers lose on Saturday, they would have six conference defeats and seven overall losses in a season for the first time since 1999, when LSU posted a 1-7 SEC mark and an overall record of 3-8.

360 More points for Georgia than its opponents this season, giving the Bulldogs the largest scoring margin in the nation. Georgia has surpassed its opponents 443-83. This is the Bulldogs’ biggest difference in 11 seasons in school history. Three other teams in SEC history have had a scoring advantage of at least 360 points in 11 games in a season – 1973 Alabama, 2008 Florida and 2018 Alabama.

This week’s SEC schedule includes (all times are CST with point spreads from


No. 9 Ole Miss (9-2, 5-2) at Mississippi State (7-4, 4-3), 6:30 p.m. at Davis Wade Stadium in Starkville, Mississippi (ESPN). Line: Mississippi State by 2.


Missouri (6-5, 3-4) at No. 25 Arkansas (7-4, 3-4), 2:30 p.m. at Reynolds Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville, Arkansas (CBS). Line: Arkansas at 14.5.


Florida State (5-6) in Florida (5-6), 11am at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium in Gainesville, Florida (ESPN). Line: Florida with 2.5.

No. 1 Georgia (11-0) at Georgia Tech (3-8), 11am at Boddy Dodd Stadium in Atlanta (ABC). Line: Georgia with 35.

3 Alabama (10-1, 6-1) at Auburn (6-5, 3-4), 2:30 p.m. at Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn (CBS). Line: Alabama at 19.5.

Vanderbilt (2-9, 0-7) in Tennessee (6-5, 3-4), 2:45 PM at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee (SEC Network). Line: Tennessee with 32.

No. 15 Texas A&M (8-3, 4-3) at LSU (5-6, 2-5), 6 p.m. at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (ESPN). Line: Texas A&M with 6.5.

No. 23 Clemson (8-3) in South Carolina (6-5), 6:30 p.m. at Williams-Brice Stadium in Columbia, South Carolina (SEC Network). Line: Clemson against 11.5.

Kentucky (8-3) in Louisville (6-5), 6:30 p.m. at Cardinal Stadium in Louisville, Kentucky (ESPN2). Line: Louisville by 3.

Mark Inabinett is a sports reporter for Alabama Media Group. Follow him on TwitterAMarkG1.




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