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Cowboys vs Steelers announced for 2020 Professional Football Hall of Fame | Laundress Report


PITTSBURGH, PA - NOVEMBER 13: Dallas Cowboys Travis Frederick # 72 center looks across the line of scrimmage to defensive lineman Javon Hargrave # 79 of the Pittsburgh Steelers during a game at Heinz Field on November 13, 2016 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Cowboys defeated the Steelers 35-30. (Photo by George Gojkovich / Getty Images)

George Gojkovich / Getty Images

The long-standing rivalry between the Dallas Cowboys and the Pittsburgh Steelers will be renewed when they meet in the Professional Football Hall of Fame game on August 6 in Canton, Ohio.

The Cowboys and Steelers have been announced as participants in the Hall of Fame Game on NFL NetworkHello footballand confirmed by ESPN NFL initiated Adam Schefter.

While the Steelers and Cowboys saw three representatives each inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame this year, they were natural choices to meet in the first game of the 2020 preseason.

For the Steelers, former head coach Bill Cowher and safeties Troy Polamalu and Donnie Shell will be entered into the Hall of Fame in August, while former head coach Jimmy Johnson, safety Cliff Harris and wide receiver Harold Carmichael will be immortalized for the Cowboys.

The Steelers and Cowboys have been bitter rivals since the 1970s, and their three Super Bowl games are the most important in NFL history.

These factors will ensure that many eyes turn to the 2020 Hall of Fame, but it should also be noted that the two teams have many question marks that could start to be resolved on August 6.

The Steelers and Cowboys missed the playoffs last season, but their failures were due to very different reasons.

Pittsburgh went 8-8 despite a defense that ranked fifth in the NFL at points allowed. Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was lost to the season after only two games, and the combination of Mason Rudolph and Devlin "Duck" Hodges was not good enough to complete the defense.

It is far from guaranteed that Big Ben will play the Hall of Fame Game, but if he is healthy enough to do so, he could offer fans a glimpse of whether he can still play at a high level despite being 38 and detaching from a significant elbow injury.

The Cowboys finished 2019 with a 9-7 mark and missed the playoffs despite being ranked first in the NFL in total attack.

Longtime head coach Jason Garrett has left and is replaced by former Green Bay Packers head coach Mike McCarthy. Quarterback Dak Prescott is expected to return, but has not yet been labeled duty-free or signed for a long-term agreement, while receiver Amari Cooper is a free agent.

Cornerback # 1 Byron Jones is also a free agent, so the Cowboys 2020 could be very different from the 2019 version, although that isn't necessarily a bad thing considering the end of last season.

Especially from an NFL perspective, the Steelers and Cowboys have two of the biggest and most rabid fanbases in football, which should ensure a packed house in Canton.

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