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Seven Blue Devils Named to All-ACC Academic Team


DURHAM Seven members of the Duke women’s soccer program have been named to the All-ACC Academic Team for the 2021 season, the conference announced Thursday.

The Blue Devils have been represented by at least five student-athletes on the All-ACC Academic Team every year since 2006. Duke’s rosters this season included graduate students Tess Boade and Caitlin Cosme, seniors Delaney Graham and Mackenzie Pluck, juniors Ruthie Jones and Sophie Jonesand freshmen Michelle Cooper.

Graham receives All-ACC Academic honors for the fourth time in her career. The Atlanta, Georgia native has received multiple accolades for her efforts on and off the field this season, as she was named a CoSIDA Academic All-American for the second year in a row, while also landing on the United Soccer Coaches All-American. Atlantic Region Second Team. She is one of five players on this year’s All-ACC Academic squad to earn the accolade for the fourth time.

pick and Sophie Jones each earned their third career All-ACC Academic honors. Majoring in psychology, Pluck maintained a GPA of 3.88 in the fall semester while still serving as one of the team’s top offensive players on the field. The product from North Wales, Pa., led Duke with eight assists and racked up 18 points, 11 more than her total output as a junior. Jones mounted another decorated campaign and further established herself as one of the nation’s top midfielders as she was named to the All-ACC Second Team, Best XI Second Team and United Soccer Coaches All-Atlantic Region Third Team . In class, the psychology major from Menlo Park, California, delivered a 4.0 GPA.

Boade, Cosme and Ruthie Jones each garnered All-ACC Academic status for the second time and held leadership roles on the field. Boade posted career highs in goals (8), assists (5) and points (21) and was recognized with All-ACC First Team honors, while Cosme scored three goals, including two game winners and led all of Duke’s outfield players with 1,829 minutes played. Jones joined Boade in the All-ACC First Team to go along with Best XI First Team accolade. She led the conference with a goal against an average of 0.59, which was ranked 13th nationally and second in the ACC with a rescue rate of 0.793. Jones maintained a 3.86 GPA during the fall as a psychology major.

Cooper is one of 14 freshmen on the All-ACC Academic Team. Thursday’s honors add to an extensive roster for the Clarkston, Michigan native, who has curated one of the most decorated rookie seasons in the program’s history. She scored 12 goals, a Duke freshman record and five assists for 29 points, marking the fifth of all freshmen nationally and the most by a newcomer to the ACC. She was named ACC Freshman of the Year and became the first Blue Devil to win the award since 2012, and was the only freshman named among the 15 semifinalists for the MAC Hermann Trophy. Cooper was also the Freshman of the Year and was named to the All-ACC First Team.

Minimum academic requirements for selection to the All-ACC Academic Team are a 3.0 credit average for the prior semester and a 3.0 cumulative average during one’s academic career. Athletic performance during the most recent season is also considered when selecting the All-ACC Academic Team.

The ACC Honor Roll, which recognizes all congressional student athletes with a 3.0 grade point average for the current academic year, will be published in July.

For more information on Duke women’s football, follow the Blue Devils Twitter, Instagram and facebook by searching for ‘DukeWSOC.’

Duke 2021 All-ACC academic selections
Tess Boade, Gr., Management of Clinical Informatics
Michelle Cooper, Fr., black and white
Caitlin Cosme, Gr., Management of Clinical Informatics
Delaney Graham, Senior, Biology
Sophie Jones, Jr., Psychology
Ruthie Jones, Jr., Psychology
Mackenzie Pluck, Senior, Psychology

#Good week




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