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Gophers Hockey Book: Perbix is ​​probably finished for the season


Unfortunately for Gophers first-year striker Jack Perbix, the end of the season came even earlier.

Gophers coach Bob Motzko confirmed Tuesday that Perbix was probably done for the season after injuring his left leg last Friday in the third period of the 1-0 loss to the Irish . Perbix was hit from behind by Our Ladies Spencer Stastney in the corner behind the Irish net and came down awkwardly, hitting the boards. While assisted by the ice, favoring his left leg, Stantney was ejected from the match after receiving a major penalty for checking from behind.

It was probably released for the year. It is a few weeks to really know where he is or how long he can go, but it could be a five or six week contract, so this is not good news for him and us, Motzko said Tuesday.

Perbix had five points in the first half of the season, but has only recorded two assists in its last 17 games. He ends his rookie campaign with two goals and five assists, but his coach sees a lot of potential as he grows.

I'm sure he wanted to do a lot more. It's there, and you can see it, added Motzko. At our end of year meeting, I don't know if I coached a team that needs this weight room more than any team we have. As he gains strength, speed and confidence, he is a good hockey player and he will help us.

Perbix underwent an MRI after Friday's game and was seen walking under his own power, but with a splint on his left leg. It is not known whether the injury will require surgery.

It’s really difficult. You hate to see any kind of injury, but at the end of a season, it's unfortunate, said Gophers junior forward Brannon McManus, who praised Perbixs' work mainly on the third team line this season. He sort of solidified a very good role for us this year and he will only get better as he continues to be a Gopher. It sucks, and we have to play for it and we know it is there for us.

Stay in Gold, Gophers

With Saturday's playoffs, Gophers outfit man Lee Greseth only needs one set of jerseys for the trip to State College, Pennsylvania . Whether these wires are brown (as they traditionally do on the road) or whether gold has yet to be determined.

On Sunday, the Gophers improved to 4-0 this season by wearing their WOOGER gold jerseys, which bear the nickname of former Gophers coach Doug Woog on the nameplate. If they can wear gold for a road game, multiple players are strongly in favor of the idea.

Absolutely. I don't know how it will work, but if we can, definitely, Gophers junior striker Scott Reedy said Tuesday after training. Obviously, they work for us, so take it if we can wear them. McManus asked immediately after the (Sunday) game if we could wear them to Penn State, so see.

The conference rules for regular season games state that the home team must wear a uniform light colored combo, and specifically mentions gold and yellow as being light color. The Big Ten rules for tournaments do not make this designation, but note that the visiting team must wear dark colored jerseys and stockings.

According to a Big Ten official, when Penn State decides which jerseys the Nittany Lions will wear, as long as the Gophers jerseys are a contrasting color, they should be allowed.

Leaman consultant on the World Juniors position already

After a string of Western coaches leading the United States team to the World Junior Championships, which are played in late December and early January each hockey season, there will be an Eastern voice behind the bench next winter.

Providence head coach Nate Leaman, who led the Brothers to the NCAA title in 2015 and returned to the Frozen Four last season, has been chosen by USA Hockey to lead the show for the Americans in the tournament 2021, to be held in Edmonton and Red. Deer, Alberta.

Nates has been an assistant coach a few times and has close ties to USA Hockey, so it's a great selection. Nates will do a great job, said Motzko, who coached the Americans to a gold medal in 2017 and a bronze medal in 2018. He added that with more than nine months of preparation, Leaman was already at work. I spoke to her this morning and I was already browsing the list. It's fun to tinker. We have a lot of inactive spirits upstairs, so you have to occupy it with something.

Minnesota State Mankato coach Mike Hastings led the Americans to a silver medal in 2019, while Minnesota coach Duluth Scott Sandelin coached the team to a sixth place in 2020.

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