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Cushing Academy Wins Women's Hockey Readiness Crown – Sentinel and Enterprise


The championship season has officially arrived.

At the secondary and college levels, conference crowns are awarded, as well as national and national titles. Tournaments are everywhere.

There are plenty of trophies to browse.

The same thing sounds in preparatory sports for school.

And one of those championships found a home right on Route 12 in Ashburnham, as the Cushing Academy women's hockey team won the New England Preparatory Schools Athletic Council (NEPSAC) title on Sunday in Worcester.

The Penguins dominated Rivers seed 2-1 to top a remarkable crown race for Dorothy Howard (small school) after beating St. Mark’s and Brooks schools for a spot in the final.

In the title tilt, Sam Tabor scored early before Rivers tied the game. Mia Langlois potted what turned out to be the match winner in the middle of the second period, goalkeeper Sarah Potter having canceled 31 shots to make sure the lead was on its way to the honors of the MVP tournament.

Cushing ended the season with a 19-14-1.

The women's hockey team was not the only Cushing program to compete in the championships this week, but it was the only group to capture equipment.

The men's basketball team started the National Preparation Championship tournament on Tuesday with a game against Mt. Zion Prep. The Penguins lost 62-56 in that game.


This weekend, former Cushing star player David Cotten dominated Boston College in a quarter-final series against Hockey Providence against Providence College this weekend. Cotton, a Carolina Hurricanes hopeful, has 15 goals and 24 assists in 32 games this season for the Eagles (24-8-2). Goalkeeper Joey Daccord, a hopeful goal for the Ottawa Senators, is 15-6-2 for the Belleville Senators of the AHL. Cushing's former safety net has an average of 2.61 goals against and .915 save percentage in 24 games. Conor Sheary, who won the Stanley Cup twice with the Pittsburgh Penguins, is back in Steel City after being traded to the Buffalo Sabers last season. In 133 games with the Sabers, Sheary has 23 goals and 30 assists. The winger has a goal and three assists in seven games since returning to Pittsburgh. On Thursday, David Duke and Providence, fourth seed, will face Xavier, the 5th quarter-final of the Big East tournament. The second man swingman started the Brothers' 31 games this season, averaging 12 points per game. The University of Niagara enters the MAAC tournament with a conference record of 9-11 (11-20 in total), but this is not due to a lack of production by junior Greg Kuakumensah, who has an average of 8.7 points per competition while recording 25 blocks at the top of the team over the season. The 6'6-inch Worcester native started a dozen of the 30 games he played during the campaign.

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