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Mindshare Cricket Box Predator Ranked # 1 in WARC Media 100


The Mindshare Sydneys campaign, Monty: the world's first predictive commentator on artificial intelligence, was ranked # 1 in the WARC Media 100 ranking of the best works in the world. Monty predicted when a wicket = would fall into cricket matches and used it to show targeted advertising.

WARC Media 100, the ultimate independent benchmark celebrating the best media ideas in the marketing industry, ranked the Mindshare Sydney Monty: The Worlds First AI Predictive Commentator # 1 campaign in its latest ranking of the best works in the world.

Monty, the greatest cricket spirit ever created, was built in collaboration with Foxtel, Fox Sports and Google.

Victory sees Mindshare Sydney catapulted to number 3 in the global agency rankings, recognition that Katie Rigg-Smith CEO of Mindshare, Australia and New Zealand is delighted to hear: The highlight of any year for me is is when I know that our teams have created great work for our customers. It is so rewarding to know that our work has been recognized not only as the best in its class, but also the best in the world. Monty shows the power of provocation and teamwork; two of our core values ​​in action.

Monty: the world's first predictive commenter on artificial intelligence for Foxtel in Australia, saw Mindshare Sydney create an AI that was able to predict when a wicket would fall into a cricket game and use it as a trigger to show targeted advertising to increase the number of views and subscriptions for the Foxtels cricket offering. Monty correctly predicted over 1,800 ATMs and saw double-digit growth in weekly sales.

Monty is a personalized machine learning model, designed to pinpoint when and how wickets would fall in live games, in real time. Designed as part of Foxtels' promise to provide cricket like never before, cutting-edge innovation quickly moved from a marketing platform to a customer experience.

Thanks to the revolutionary machine learning project, Monty can spot a wicket up to 5 minutes before his fall and instantly alert fans to watch it live on Fox Cricket. Monty has watched every ball thrown by the Australian National Men's Team in the past 18 months and incorporated the resulting models into a bespoke wicket warning system for Foxtel viewers and cricket fans .

The machine learning model recognizes patterns of player behavior based on past form and living conditions on the pitch. When Montys is convinced that a wicket will fall, the model autonomously deploys new creations and adapts the bids on digital signage, pre-roll and digital outdoor so that fans never miss a dramatic moment on the ground.

As the power of Montys' predictions became clear, Mindshare designed new experiences for fans to use their knowledge of crickets. Montys' predictions were integrated into the Fox Cricket app during the Boxing Day Test, with push notifications alerting fans to the next wicket released during the biggest game of the summer.

Fan support saw Monty entering homes across the country, as a Google Home experience allowed fans to ask Monty for the next wicket and listen while he described how drummer was. current should be comfortable with the crease.

Jack Smyth, Strategic Partner, Mindshare, said: We always knew we were on something special with this job because we were at the forefront of creativity and data. Montys proves that a new era of analysis is here. Working with Foxtel and Fox Sports to see an idea move from messaging to a whole new way of looking at the game is incredibly exciting and only possible thanks to the Foxtel teams' appetite for innovation. To top it all off and be named number 1 by WARC worldwide, it is certainly a highlight of the career.

Mindshare is a GroupM company, part of WPP AUNZ, Australia's leading creative transformation company.

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