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Gerrie, MRU Hockey Graduate, Continues Career at ECHL


Chris Gerrie, a fourth-year graduate student, recently became the 14th Mount Royal Cougars hockey player in the history of the program reaching professional ranks after signing a contract with the ECHL affiliate of Oilers of Edmonton, Wichita Thunder.

Gerrie, 24, joined the Cougars as one of the most experienced locker room players despite the fact that he entered MRU campus as a semester transfer ; winter in 2017-18.

Prior to his college career, Gerrie played two seasons for the AJHL Old Grizzlys, accumulating 115 points (43G, 72A) in 119 games in two seasons.

He then headed west to prepare for the BCHL Penticton Vees. Gerrie had 42 points (16G, 26A) in 56 games with the Vees before joining Michigan Tech in NCAA DI for a full season.

Gerrie's decorated career saw him named AJHL and CJHL rookie of the year in 2013-14 before finally helping Michigan Tech to win a WCHA title in 2016- 17.

The education and reputation of MRU for the smaller classes were some of the many added benefits that convinced the Edmonton native to sign up for Mont-Royal in 2018.

Part of his "perfect fit" was the philosophy of head coach Bert Gilling to build a winning championship culture that reflected the ideals of NCAA DI.

"This is one of the reasons why I was so intrigued by Mount Royal," said Gerrie. "Bert made the transition so much easier because he knew where I came from. He understood my situation and facilitated my adjustment with the team. "

Mount Royal has only participated in USPORTS for eight years. Bringing an NCAA DI impact transfer like Gerrie was important to the growth of the Cougar Hockey culture at the time.

"He came from this environment, so he mixed with our guys and helped push the culture. . . it made us better, "said Gilling, who has 15 years of DI NCAA coaching experience, and has helped facilitate the perfect marriage between Cougars and Gerrie.

"When I said we want to 'build on and off the ice like an ID program', he knew exactly what I was talking about. I needed people who understood this culture, who could lead and show players what it meant and spread those ideals in the locker room. Chris accelerated that for us. "

"It helped me become more confident with hockey and my choice of school," said Gerrie.

He saw the possibilities that Mount Royal offers on the ice and took full advantage of it.

“He was very coachable. He watched a movie, talked to coaches. . . he went to work every day and that reflects his game, ”noted Gilling. "He accepted any role that we gave him, which was a gift for us. It showed his versatility which made him an attractive player for Wichita. "

“I arrived at USPORTS at the perfect time. You see the league growing and many more guys are becoming pro, ”added Gerrie.

Gerrie has amassed 46 points (19G, 27A) in 68 games in two and a half years with the Cougars. His resume impressed Wichita Thunder head coach Bruce Ramsay.

“He had an exceptional junior career and a very successful career at Mont-Royal. I like to see guys coming out of USPORTS. They come out more mature and a bit polite and Chris has shown it to me so far, "says Ramsay.

A link with Gerrie's beginnings launched her professional career.

Current Thunder forward Spencer Dorowicz played with Gerrie at Olds. He approached Thunder head coach Ramsay and indicated that Gerrie wanted to continue his hockey career.

After studying Mount Royal and the career that its latest addition could bring to the table, the rest is history.

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