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Hockey East Playoffs and America East Women's Basketball Final Still Underway Despite Virus Problems – University Sports – Bangor Daily News – BDN Maine


Courtesy of the University of Maine Athletics

Courtesy of the University of Maine Athletics

Adam Dawe (left) of the University of Maine men's hockey team greets the crowd after scoring a goal in a recent game. Teammate Jakub Sirota watches. UMaine will host a series of Hockey East quarterfinals against Connecticut starting Friday as scheduled.

The first results of the tests show thatno Mainer tested positive for coronavirus at 1 p.m. Tuesday. For the latest news on coronaviruses,click here.

Fears about the potential spread of the coronavirus have resulted in many changes and cancellations of sporting events around the world.

These effects are also felt here in Maine and New England.

Friday and Saturday, Bowdoin College of Brunswick, host of the NCAA Division III Women's Basketball Tournament Cup, announced Tuesday that spectators will not be permitted. The school cited its monitoring of the development of coronaviruses and the consultation of medical providers.

The Ivy League has canceled its scheduled men's and women's basketball championship tournaments on Friday and Saturday in Cambridge, Massachusetts, while the NCAA Division III regional women's basketball tournament in Amherst, Massachusetts, will be played in l & # 39; Lack of fans.

The ECAC men's quarterfinal series between Harvard and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York will be played without spectators. Middlebury College of Vermont suspended all of its spring sports activities on Tuesday until further notice.

This week, events involving teams from the University of Maine have not yet been affected.

The Black Bear men's hockey team is hosting the University of Connecticut for a series of Hockey East quarter-finals, the best of three, Friday, Saturday and, if necessary, Sunday.

The UMaine women's basketball team departs Wednesday for 5 p.m. on Friday's East American Championship game against Stony Brook on Long Island. The Black Bears travel by bus to Stony Brook, New York, via Bridgeport, Connecticut, where they will take the ferry.

For the hockey series at Alfond Arena in Orono, UMaine athletics follows the protocols described in University of Maine system public health advisory.

We are monitoring the situation closely and preparing and taking precautions here and for our teams planning to travel, said UMaine athletics spokesperson Tyson McHatten. There have been internal discussions about the coronavirus outbreak but at this point we are operating normally for our home events and following the instructions we receive from the UMaine system.

Brian East, Associate Commissioner of Hockey East, said the league is watching the coronavirus situation closely but is progressing with the quarterfinals this weekend and the scheduled 22nd semifinals and league game March 23 at TD Garden in Boston.

The NCAA has a task force and said there was no reason not to play, said Smith.

He added that Hockey East was working on contingency plans in the event that states reassessed the situation and the mandate changes. Smith said the league wants to keep all fans, players, coaches and arena staff safe.

A change implemented recently by Hockey East concerns the line of handshake between teams after the match. Players must keep their hockey gloves and coaches will not participate. Handshakes will only take place after the last game in a series.

For UMaine basketball, Stony Brook athletics issued a press release explaining the school's efforts to minimize the spread and potential effects of the virus.

According to Long Island Press, there were 20 cases of coronavirus on Long Island on Tuesday. This included a case at Stony Brook University Hospital.

We are aware of the precautions taken by Stony Brook and will follow their example in taking precautions with our travels and during competition during the East American Championship game, said the coach of UMaine Amy Vachon women's basketball in a press release.

Ticket sales will be monitored to ensure fans maintain a safe distance from each other, if they choose to.

Ticket sales will stop at noon on Friday and none will be sold at the door. Stony Brook will also provide additional cleaning staff and improved disinfection procedures on site and will provide hand sanitizers.

A no handshake policy will be encouraged.

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