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Earlyers close day two of Big 12s with five titles

Earlyers close day two of Big 12s with five titles


LUBBOCK, Texas– Oklahoma’s men’s and women’s track and field teams closed day two of the Big 12 Outdoor Championships with five titles, numerous personal bests and multiple OU top-10 numbers.

The three-day championship concludes tomorrow, starting with the women’s discus throw at 12:00 p.m. CT. Live results can be found at PrimeTime Timing and will be streamed on Longhorn Network

Friday’s action kicked off with OU’s first title from Lauren, Red Shirt senior, where she scored a 222-1 (67.69 m) in the women’s hammer throw. Right in the back, senior Abby Moore threw for 198-7 (60.53m) for fourth place, while junior Geraldine Udo marked 184-11 (56.37m) for fifth place.

On the men’s side, senior Bayley Campbell completed the hammer throw by taking the title with a point at 230-2 (70.15m) to set a new school record. Red shirt senior Edward Jeans took third with a PR throw at 219-9 (66.99 m) to move to No. 2 in school history.

Junior Kayla Kurtz represented the Sooners in the women’s javelin throw, finishing fifth with 146-2 (44.56m).

In her first Big 12 Outdoor Championship appearance, freshman ariel family tree took a seventh-place podium finish in the women’s heptathlon, setting seven new collegiate personal bests in the process.

On day two, five Sooners were on the women’s shot put podium. Junior Payden Montana claimed the highest placing in second place, at 17.23 meters. Moore finished fifth with a PR throw at 16.49 yards. sophomore Paige Low also threw for a PR at 16.14 yards for sixth. Polishing the stage, senior Faith Ette was seventh with a mark at 15.65 yards and Jones was eighth with a throw of 15.49 yards.

Junior red shirt Vernon Turner took home the gold in the high jump, 7-3.25 (2.22m). With the win, Turner has claimed the 2022 Big 12 Indoor, NCAA Indoor and now Big 12 Outdoor title. Add Points for the Sooners, Freshmen Kason O’Riley achieved a PR at 7-2.25 (2.19m) to move to No. 4 in program history for second place, while senior Chris Banks took an outdoor PR at 7-0.25 (2.15m) for fourth place and advanced to the top-10 list.

Senior Christ Simulask dominated the competition and became the Big 12 Decathlon Champion, with a total PR of 7,926 points. He finished the meet with nine new personal bests and now holds the school record.

freshman phenomenon Olivia Lueking broke a new school record at 14-7.50 (4.46m) to take the pole vault title. Lueking now owns both 2022 Big 12 Indoor and Outdoor titles.

Three Sooners found their way onto the men’s shot put podium. Red shirt senior Cooper Campbell finished third with a throw at 19.04 meters, junior Diego Trevino marked a personal best at 18.55 meters to go to No. 5 in program history and finish fifth, and junior Bryant Parlin was eighth with 17.88 meters.

Men’s long jump, senior red shirt Rayvon Allen jumped 25-3.25 (7.70m) for fourth, while Turner claimed his second podium finish at 24-9.75 (7.56m) for seventh.

Tomorrow several athletes will compete in the final. Red shirt senior Camri Austin clocked a 12.97 in the women’s 100m hurdles to qualify automatically.

Senior Kennedy Blackmon clocked a big PR at 11:12 a.m. (1.7 wind) in the women’s 100-meter dash to move to No. 2 in school history and advance to the final. On the men’s side, redshirt senior Demarius Smith clocked a PR at 10.14 (1.0 wind), freshman Josh Bour timed a 10.16 (2.7 wind) and red shirt senior Karson Kovalchuk qualified with a time of 10.18 (1.0 wind).

Junior Richard Kuykendoll finished first in the men’s 400m sprint, with a time of 45.39, to advance automatically to the final.

In the women’s 400 meters hurdles seniors Madison Langley-Walker clocked a 59.39, freshman Jania Hodges timed a PR at 59.47 and senior Daneesha Davidson qualified for the final with a PR of 59.72. For the men, red shirt senior Isaiah Levingston clocked a 49.47, while newcomer Paul Martin qualified with a time of 52.97.

Blackmon took her ticket to the final of the women’s 200m sprint and achieved a PR at 22.99 (1.7 wind) to move to No. 3 in school history. In the men’s race, Bour took first place, with a PR of 20.38 (1.4 wind) to move to sixth in school history. Smith joined him with a time of 20.53 (1.4 wind) to compete in tomorrow’s final.

sunday 15 may

Event location: Terry & Linda Fuller Track & Field complex; Lubbock, Texas


For updates and more information on the Oklahoma track and field, follow the Sooners on Twitter and Instagram (@OU_Track) and likeOklahoma Sooners Track & Field and Cross Countryon Facebook.

Big 12 Outdoor Championship Schedule
sunday 15 may
Time (CT) Event – soon
12 o’clock Women’s Discus Throw – Faith EtteLauren JonesPaige LowPayden Montana
3 p.m. Men’s Discus Throw – Bryant Parlin
4:30 in the afternoon Women’s High Jump – Madison Langley-WalkerJa’Sha Sloan
5:30 pm Women’s 4x100m relay – Jada AtkinsonCamri AustinKennedy BlackmonYes’Leesa GilesMikayla Hayes
5:40 PM Men’s 4x100m relay – Josh BourKarson KovalchukAlajuwan RobinsonDemarius SmithRichard KuykendollMarlowe Mosley
6:15 pm Women’s 100 meters hurdles (final) – Camri Austin
6.30 pm women’s triple jump – Daneesha DavidsonAllah LeeNicole EzeokeMikeisha Welcome
men’s triple jump – Jelaani DavisMatthew WalshGarry Williams
6:45 pm Men’s 400m sprint (final) – Richard Kuykendoll
6:55 pm Women’s 100m sprint (final) – Kennedy Blackmon
7:05 PM Men’s 100m sprint (final) – Josh BourKarson KovalchukDemarius Smith
7:40 PM Women’s 400m Hurdles (final) – Daneesha DavidsonJania HodgesMadison Langley-Walker
7:50 pm Men’s 400 meters hurdles (final) – Isaiah LevingstonPaul Martin
8 pm Women’s 200m sprint (final) – Kennedy Blackmon
8:10 p.m. Men’s 200 meters sprint (final) – Josh BourDemarius Smith
9 o’clock in the evening Women’s 4x400m relay –Jada AtkinsonKennedy BlackmonDaneesha DavidsonJenna JamesJai’Lyn Merriweather
9:30 pm Men’s 4×400 meter relay – Richard KuykendollIsaiah LevingstonMarlowe MosleyDemarius SmithRayvon AllenJaylen Barringer




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