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5 key issues facing Texas Tech football heading into the 2022 season

5 key issues facing Texas Tech football heading into the 2022 season


Here’s what fans need to know as we head into another Red Raiders season…

Who is QB1?

The biggest question facing Texas Tech football right now is who will be the starting quarterback in August. And it’s not for a lack of options. Behren Morton, Donovan Smith and Tyler Shough make one of the deepest quarterback rooms of the Big 12s. Smith had an impressive second half last season, Shough has seasoned experience at Power 5 level and Morton has high caliber potential. Joey McGuire has a big decision to make in his first year on the track, and it could be one that won’t be made until Texas Tech first takes the field in 2022.

Is the attack line ready?

No position group has justified this offseason more concern from Texas Tech fans than the offensive line. The position group that lost Dawson Deathon and Josh Burger is suddenly young and shallow. The additions of Michael Shanahan and Cade Briggs should close a few gaps, but there are still more questions than answers at this point in the offensive line. The group’s main concern is whether offensive coordinator Zach Kittley will be able to pull off his explosive charge while his quarterback is under constant pressure.

Who is the next playmaker at LB?

Texas Tech has seen a number of talented linebackers progress through the program in recent years. It is now looking for the next one. Colin Schooler and Riko Jeffers both end their collegiate careers, leaving Texas Tech surprisingly thin. Krishon Merriweather thankfully used his super-senior season of fitness, but outside of him the group will be looking for answers.

Who fills Ezukanmas shoes?

The Red Raiders need a wide receiver. Erik Ezukanma and Kaylon Geiger were the only two players to catch more than 40 passes last season and are both now in the NFL. Myles Price is the most proven returner, catching 38 passes for 523 yards last season. But other than Price, the Red Raiders aren’t returning anyone who caught more than 20 passes last season. There are some good options, but a playmaker will have to step down.

Can the secondary make the jump?

This is the best a Texas Tech secondary has seen in years heading into a season. Marquis Waters, Reggie Pearson, Dadrion Taylor-Demerson and Adrian Frye is a strong group of returnees. Add to that highly regarded true freshman Landon Hullaby and Texas transfer Tyler Owens, and you’re looking at one of the Big 12’s best. The question now is, can it be translated to the field? Can Texas Tech Have a Legitimately Dangerous Secondary? It would be a sight to behold in Lubbock, but the pieces are there.

Find more Texas Tech coverage from The Dallas Morning News here.




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