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No. 3 Hokies win 11-homer brawl against Duke, 15-11

No.  3 Hokies win 11-homer brawl against Duke, 15-11





Virginia Tech

38-11, 17-9 ACC

Score per period
Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R huh E

1 2 0 4 2 1 0 0 1 11 15 2

Virginia Tech
3 1 0 1 6 1 3 0 X 15 14 2

W: Hendrik Weycker (6-1)
l: Johnson, Marcus (1-8)

BLACKBURG After a wild, back-and-forth affair on Thursday afternoon with 11 combined home runs, the No. 3 Virginia Tech baseball team nodded and overcame its 9-5, mid-game deficit against Duke to win the teams’ series opener. win , 15-11, at English Field in Atlantic Union Bank Park.

Like many home runs early in the season, Virginia Tech (38-11, 17-9 ACC) hit six home runs to the five of the Blue Devils, leaving the yard three times in the fifth inning of six runs, making Tech regained control. † The Hokies had fallen 5-4 in the fourth inning and trailed by four runs in the bottom of the fifth, then gathered to beat the visitors by a 10-2 margin for the remainder of the game.

Made his second consecutive start, third-year designated batter Carson Jones went 3-for-5 to lead Tech, scoring three runs and crushing two homeruns on his second and third shot of the week. Jack Hurley matched Jones with three hits, bringing the bloop-double down the leftfield-line that kicked off the Hokies’ heroic fifth inning.

although Tanner Schobel couldn’t score on Hurley’s fifth inning double, Cade Hunter lifted the RBI single into right field that did the job, putting Tech inside Duke’s 9-6 score line (22-30, 10-18 ACC). With one swing of the bat, fifth year second baseman Edward Malinowski tied the game by flying a 1-0 pitch from Marcus Johnson deep into left field for the tying run, three-run homer.

However, the Hokies’ theatrical performances were far from over. On Johnson’s next delivery, Jones, who homered to open the fourth inning, brought out Tech’s iconic homerun hammer again to put the hosts on top, 10-9.

Biddison kept the home runs flying for the Hokies and ended the fifth inning with a solo shot that narrowed Tech’s lead to 11-9. After Luke Storm and Schobel traded solo homeruns in the sixth inning, the Hokies gave Duke three more runs in the bottom of the seventh, taking advantage of Biddison’s RBI-double that completed his 2-for-5, three-RBI day.

Tech starter Griffin Green struggled to settle against the Blue Devils, giving up five hits and three runs on his first trip through the order. Hunter gave Green a 3-1 lead with his two-run homer in the bottom of the first inning, but the Blue Devils sent Green three batters into the fourth inning, leaving him responsible for six earned runs.

In total, nine of the Hokies’ 14 basehits were for extra bases (three doubles, six homeruns) on Thursday. Tech also witnessed five attacking players playing multi-hit games and five-player notch multi-RBI performance.


Thursday’s 11 combined home runs are the most Virginia Tech has experienced in a game since joining the ACC.
Tech’s opening series win against Duke marks the Hokies’ fifth win since May 1, when they trailed from the fourth inning (including two walk-off wins).


No. 3 Virginia Tech will try to take its ninth straight ACC series when the Hokies receive Duke on Friday, May 20. The first pitch between the Hokies and the Blue Devils is scheduled for 7 p.m. at English Field in Atlantic Union Bank Park.




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