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Roland Garros Day 3 Tuesday Preview | ATP tour

Roland Garros Day 3 Tuesday Preview |  ATP tour



The opening round of the men’s singles will conclude on Tuesday at Roland Garros, while the men’s doubles action starts on day 3. Returning finalist Stefanos Tsitsipas opens his tournament against #NextGenATP Italian Lorenzo Musetti and closes the game at Court Philippe Chatrier, with Casper Ruud Jo-Wilfried Tsonga standing on the center court of Paris earlier in the day in what was the last game of the storied career could be from the Frenchman.

World No. 2 Daniil Medvedev heads the action on Court Suzanne Lenglen and will take his first clay-court win of the season against Facundo Bagnis. On the outdoor courts, 14th seed Denis Shapovalov and #NextGenATP Dane Holger Rune meet for the first time.

In doubles, second-seeded Croatians Nikola Mektic and Mate Pavic put their nine-game winning streak on the line after consecutive titles in Rome and Geneva.

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[4] Stefanos Tsitsipas (GRE) vs. Lorenzo Musetti (IT)

Tsitsipas and Musetti will battle the Greek 2-0 in the ATPHead2Head for the third time since 2021. Tsitsipas comes in as one of the form players on the ATP Tour with a 14-3 record on the European clay court swing and a tour-leading 30 wins on the season. The Monte Carlo champion’s only clay defeats came against Carlos Alcaraz (Barcelona quarter-final), Alexander Zverev (Madrid semi-final) and Novak Djokovic (Rome final).

Musetti has a big job to prevent his opponent from making the last four in Paris for what would become a third season in a row. The 20-year-old Italian has racked up exactly two main standings this season in each of his four clay-court events, including at the ATP Masters 1000s in Monte Carlo and Madrid, giving him an 8-4 record on the surface. He took the second Top 10 win of his career by beating Felix Auger-Aliassime in Monte Carlo, after beating Diego Schwartzman in Acapulco last year.

Tsitsipas expects a rigorous test from the man who reached the career high of number 51 in the Pepperstone ATP ranking earlier this month.

“Lorenzo is a very good player on this surface,” he said. “I have played against him before. I think he is someone who can bring out good potential on court and has shown in the past that he is capable of playing good tennis.”

“Of course I’m very happy to play [on] these courts again. I know that this first round race will really bring out the best in me; at least i will try. It’s going to be a battle of two one-handed backhand players, and I think it’s quite an interesting game for most spectators to watch in this first round.”


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[8] Casper Ruud (NOR) vs. [WC] Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA) Free Mp3 Download

Ruud has the unenviable task of trying to retire Tsonga, while the 37-year-old Frenchman will hang up his racket in the wake of Roland Garros.

The Norwegian enters Paris on the heels of his eighth ATP Tour title in Geneva, where he defeated Joao Sousa in the final in a third-set tiebreak. His 28 clay-court wins and five clay-court titles in the past 52 weeks are the most on the ATP Tour, according to Infosys ATP Performance Zone stats.

Tsonga competed in Lyon last week, but fell to eventual finalist Alex Molcan in the opening round and dropped to 2-6 on the ATP Tour this season. But the former number 5 in the world is looking forward to a grand final at his favorite tournament.

“I feel relieved because it’s the last tournament, because both my mind and my body have told me it’s time to stop.” said the Frenchman ahead of a 13th appearance at his home Grand Slam. “I’m also really excited because I’ve always wanted to play and enjoy this tournament. It’s always been a highlight of my career.

“I want to go to court to play a very consistent player, a very good player. I know it’s going to be a difficult game, but I’m excited to be able to play a game like this. I know it’s will be fun no matter what.”

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[14] Denis Shapovalov (CAN) vs. Holger Rune (DEN)

Both Shapovalov and Rune have been making deep runs on the European clay in recent weeks. The Canadian defeated Rafael Nadal to reach the quarter-finals of Rome, while Rune won his first ATP Tour title on May 1 in Munich. The #NextGenATP Dane also reached the semi-finals of Lyon last week, beating three Frenchmen before falling to the top tier and eventual champion Cameron Norrie.

Shapovalov was defeated by Ilya Ivashka in his opening game last week in Geneva, but has reached three quarter-finals this season in addition to a semi-final in Dubai. The Canadian also helped his country to the ATP Cup in January.

The pair will play their first ATP Head2Head match at Court 12, where they will open the game.

Best of the rest

Medvedev narrowly returned from a hernia procedure and played his first clay-court event of the season in Geneva last week. Although he bowed to Frenchman Richard Gasquet on the opening lap, he will be happy to have at least one match behind him for Roland Garros. His opponent, Facundo Bagnis, was also eliminated in the opening round of Geneva, but won two qualifiers to reach the main draw.

After that match opens play on Lenglen, two Frenchmen are on the slate of the second stadium: Richard Gasquet takes on South Africa’s Lloyd Harris, while Hugo Gaston faces 18th seeded Alex de Minaur in the evening.

Seventh-seeded Andrey Rublev will face South Korean Soonwoo Kwon on Court 14, while 11th-seeded Jannik Sinner will face US qualifier Bjorn Fratangelo on Court 7.

In addition to Mektic/Pavic, three other Top 10 seeded doubles teams will also be in action: fifth-seeded Colombians Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah, sixth-seeded Wesley Koolhof and Neal Skupski and eighth-seeded John Peers and Filip Polasek.

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