NBA Commissioner Adam Silver talks about the Orlando bubble, uncertainty ahead
The only thing that is certain with regard to the possible restart of the 2019-20 season is uncertainty.
interview with Time100 Talks Sean Gregory, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver spoke about the league’s return under the “Orlando bubble” concept and why the league progressed with a restart, rather than canceling the rest of the regular season and playoffs. “Data-reactid =” 17 “> In one interview with Time100 Talks Sean Gregory, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver spoke about the league’s return under the “Orlando bubble” concept and why the league advanced with a restart, rather than canceling the rest of the regular season and playoffs.
“There is no way to know where this pandemic is going,” Silver told Gregory. “And what we’ve concluded is that we just can’t run from it, and like so many other industries, we’re looking for the right balance between health and safety on the one hand and economic need on the other.”
Guards are placed in Orlando. Players, staff and Disney employees are all tested daily. The perimeter of the area is secured and all physical contact with the outside world is limited.
Kings primer: Splitting the squad towards NBA restart in Orlando]”data-reactid =” 20 “>[[[[RELATED: Kings primer: Splitting the squad towards NBA restart in Orlando]
Although all these measures are being implemented, nothing is certain. Despite already losing a four month period, the competition could be halted at any time.
“Whatever happens,” said Silver. “One thing we learn about this virus is a lot, it is unpredictable, and we and our players, together with their union, look at the data every day. If there was anything to change, it was beyond the scope of what we play because we would definitely revisit our plans.
“We test on a daily basis. We didn’t put an exact number on it, but if we saw a large number of cases and spread in our community, that would of course also be a reason to stop.”
When asked if there was a specific tipping point that could cause an interruption, Silver was unsure.
“I’m not sure, honestly,” said Silver. “We have a panel of scientists, doctors and experts who work with us. We’ll see what we do. ” Silver said. “Certainly, if we have many cases, we stop,” he says. “You cannot run from this virus. I am absolutely convinced that it will be safer on this campus than outside this campus, because there are not many other situations that I am aware of where massive tests of asymptomatic workers take place. So in some ways this might be a model for how other industries open up eventually. “
Sacramento Kings have already been confronted firsthand with the issue of the highly contagious virus. Buddy Loved, Alex Len and Jabari Parker have all tested positive in the past week and they are not the only players to be quarantined. “data-reactid =” 26 “> The Sacramento Kings have already experienced the very contagious virus problem first hand. Buddy Loved, Alex Len and Jabari Parker has all tested positive over the past week and they are not the only players to be quarantined.
Spencer Dinwiddie and DeAndre Jordan suffer the same fate during the weekend. Both Denver Nuggets and Brooklyn nets have had to close their practice facilities due to possible contamination. “data-reactid =” 27 “> 16 of the 302 players in the league (including the three kings) initially tested positive and two more in Spencer Dinwiddie and DeAndre Jordan suffered the same fate this weekend. Both the Denver Nuggets and the Brooklyn Nets have had to shut down their practice due to possible contamination.
The NBA will enter lightly and hope for the best. They have a solid plan, but even that may not be enough. July 30 is another month away, and as we learn, so much can change in the 30-day issue.
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver talks about the Orlando bubble, uncertainty ahead originally appeared on NBC Sports Bay Area“data-reactid =” 29 “>NBA Commissioner Adam Silver talks about the Orlando bubble, uncertainty ahead originally appeared on NBC Sports Bay Area
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