Henry Harris retires after serving as Tennis Director of City of Natchez for 28 years – Mississippi’s Best Community Newspaper
NATCHEZ Henry Hawk Harris has been the Tennis Director of the City of Natchez for 28 years.
However, after long reflection, Harris announced a few months ago that he is retiring. His last working day was Tuesday.
I felt it was time for someone else to come in to try it, Harris said. I turned 70 last week. I thought it was time to try some of the things I enjoy doing along with tennis. Before I did sports, I was fishing. My grandmother and mother also fished.
Growing up, Harris attended North Natchez High School, where he played soccer, baseball, athletics, and tennis. Harris said he dreamed of professional football, but realized he was too small to play.
Harris attended Copiah-Lincoln Community College and graduated from Alcorn State University.
In 1974 Harris returned to Natchez to work as a police officer.
Harris said that one day in shifts, he remembers seeing a police officer Jeannie Peabody practice with children on the tennis courts and help them learn.
I was trying to learn to teach and I didn’t know what I was doing, Harris said. Peabody inspired me to learn to teach and improve children’s lives.
Harris became involved with National Junior Tennis and Learning (NJTL) when his friend Art Porter wanted to help underprivileged students learn to play tennis. In 1975 Harris started an NJTL chapter in Natchez.
Tony Byrne, who was Mayor of Natchez when Harris was a police officer, said Harris was a good police officer, but he knew Harris was passionate about recreation, especially tennis.
JT Robinson, the chief of police, came up to me and told me that Hawk was on the tennis courts to help someone, Byrne said. We transferred him to the recreation department. It was one of the best things we did because Henry did a great job helping tennis in Natchez and the surrounding areas.
Harris was the tennis coach of the North Natchez Rams from 1975 to 1999. During his 24 years as a tennis coach, the Rams won four league championships, four state championships, and two Big 8 Conference championships.
In 1984, Harris obtained his Untied States Professional Tennis Registry (USPTR) and United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) certifications. At the urging of Willie Shepard, Hall and Famer, Harris and Cleon McKnight, along with several others, started attending official school so that Coach Shepard would have someone to direct his games at Jackson State University.
In 1990 SB Buck befriended Harris when they played a doubles tournament in Vicksburg. From then on, Harris and Buck traveled through the country in double tournaments.
I will remember Harris’s behavior and attitude, Buck said. He is the same 24 hours a day. He is calm and I like that about him.
In 1997 Dale met Evans Harris at the Battlefield Park Tennis Center in Jackson. Evans said Harris became his coach away from his California home.
Evans added that Harris also helped him outside of tennis coaching.
Harris gave me my first job in the tennis industry, teaching tennis in summer camps and also helping me play tennis in Jackson State, Evans said. One of the best things about having someone like Harris mentor is guiding you through the level of professionalism required to endure adversity in tennis like sports and career.
In 2003, Harris helped Lisa Anderson earn certification to lead tennis matches in Jackson.
I’ve been working with Harris’s help for 17 years, Anderson said. He was so confident that I ran a tennis tournament. If you show an interest in tennis, he will be there to push you to do your best in whatever aspect you try to do.
Venecca Green met Harris when he stopped in Jackson at the Battlefield Park Tennis Center. Green said the first interaction with Harris was one of uncertainty.
In 2018, Harris was inducted into the Mississippi Tennis Hall of Fame. Green said that Buck and she were at the Hall of Fame induction banquet.
The banquet was full, Green said. This was a testament to Henry because so many people came to honor him.
During his career as a tennis coach, Harris said he coached over 3,000 children. Through the NJTL program, 300 children received a scholarship to play tennis at the university.
I don’t teach children because teaching has been good for me and I want to continue it, Harris said. If I have children who want to learn, I will certainly teach them.
My favorite memory is to work with children and see them when they couldn’t do anything to learn to play tennis. I am proud that they have become businessmen and businesswomen by teaching them to play tennis.
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