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Commonwealth Games 2022: India’s Gold Tally swells to 22 after final day feats in badminton and table tennis

Commonwealth Games 2022: India’s Gold Tally swells to 22 after final day feats in badminton and table tennis


Commonwealth Games 2022: Achanta Sharath Kamal won the men’s TT singles final.© AFP

Commonwealth Games 2022, day 11: It was a great last day for the Indian contingent at the Commonwealth Games. It won four gold medals, one silver and one bronze. With the exploits of the last day, India finished fourth in the medal tally with 22 gold, 16 silver and 23 bronze. PV Sindhu and Lakshya Sen took the women’s and men’s singles titles in badminton to give India a good start. Sindhu defeated Canadian Michelle Li in the women’s singles final, while Lakshya Sen defeated Malaysian Tze Yong NG in three matches in the men’s singles badminton. The badminton men’s doubles pair of Chirag Shetty and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy then defeated England’s Ben Lane/Sean Vendy to make it three gold medals in badminton. In table tennis, Achanta Sharath Kamal took another gold medal from the Games when he won the men’s singles final by beating England’s Liam Pitchford. G Sathiyan won the bronze medal in the TT men’s singles earlier in the day. However, the men’s hockey team lost 0-7 to Australia in the final.

Here are the highlights from day 11 of the Commonwealth Games, straight from Birmingham

  • 6:41 PM (ACTUAL)

    Thank you!

    That brings us to an end to the competitions at the CWG. With the exploits of the last day, India finished fourth in the medal tally with 22 gold, 16 silver and 23 bronze

  • 6:40 PM (IST)

    Hockey: India loses final

    An unforgettable outing comes to an end!

  • 6:25 PM (ACTUAL)

    India now fourth in the number of medals

    India has won 22 gold, 15 silver and 23 bronze medals so far

  • 6:15 PM (ACTUAL)

    Hockey: India course 0-7

    This has been a poor representation by India so far. Flynn Ogilvie puts Australia 7-0 ahead

  • 6:10 PM (ACTUAL)

    Hockey: India course 0-6

    In the third quarter Nathan Ephraums scores another goal, while Australia leads 6-0

  • 6:01 PM (ACTUAL)

    Sharat Kamal – a legend!

    The veteran TT player takes the gold medal with a 4-1 win over England’s Liam Pitchford

  • 5:56 PM (ACTUAL)

    TT final: Sharath Kamallead 3-1

    Sharath Kamal is just one match away from earning a second gold medal

  • 5:56 PM (ACTUAL)

    Third GOLD in badminton!

    Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty win gold in badminton men’s doubles by beating England’s Ben Lane/Sean Vendy. They won 21-15, 21-13

  • 5:48 PM (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Rankireddy/Chirag Leads

    After winning the first game, the Indian duo lead 18-13 in the second game

  • 5:42 PM (ACTUAL)

    TT final: Sharath Kamal leads

    With sheer dominance, Sharath Kamal has won the third game 11-2

  • 5:41 PM (ACTUAL)

    Hockey: India conceded fifth goal

    Australia now leads 5-0 against India, with Jacob Anderson scoring again

  • 5:36 PM (ACTUAL)

    Hockey final: India trail 0-4

    It has been a forgettable affair until now. Tom Wickham scored the fourth goal, which came in the second quarter

  • 17:32 (ACTUAL)

    Hockey: India gives in again

    India now follows Australia 0-3 after Jacob Anderson scores in the second quarter

  • 5:31 PM (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sharath Kamal equalizes

    The Indian comes back to win the second games 11-7 and tie the scores

  • 17:28 (ACTUAL)

    TT Final: Sharath Kamal Trails

    In the men’s singles gold medal match, India’s Achanta Sharath Kamal has won the first match 11-13 against England’s Liam Pitchford

  • 17:27 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Indian duo leading

    In the men’s doubles – gold medal match, India’s Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty has won the first match 21-15 vs England Ben Lane/Sean Vendy

  • 5:23 PM (ACTUAL)

    Hockey: India gives in again

    India conceded another goal when Nathan Ephramaus scored in the first quarter

  • 17:16 (ACTUAL)

    Hockey: India trail Australia 0-1

    Australia took a lead in Q1 through Blake Govers

  • 17:13 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: men’s doubles final begins

    In Men’s Doubles – Gold Medal Match, India’s Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty plays against England Ben Lane/Sean Vendy

  • 5:06 PM (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sathiyan wins

    After a tough slot game, Sathiyan takes the game. This is such an achievement for the young man.

  • 17:01 (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sathiyan leads in decider

    He has a slim 8-7 lead!

  • 16:51 (ACTUAL)

    TT: The match will be decided in the seventh game

    Drinkhall takes the sixth game 12-10. The scores are level 3-3 and the bronze medal match will be decided in the seventh game.

  • 16:50 (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sathiyan makes it 10-all

    He doesn’t let go that easily. After trailing in the sixth game, he has now tied the score.

  • 4:46 PM (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sathiyan loses control

    After winning the first three matches, Sathiyan loses everything. Drinkhall has won the next two games and it looks like they will also take the sixth game.

  • 16:39 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lakshya WINS!!!!

    The Indian has made a brilliant comeback to win the third game 21-16 and take the gold medal!

  • 16:31 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: a brilliant rally

    The Malaysian shuttler and Lakshya drove a brilliant rally. Lakshya does some brilliant smashes and the Malaysian pulls it back well

  • 16:27 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lakshya leads 17-12

    He’s aggressive, he’s brilliant and he’s in pole position to win the gold medal from now on.

  • 16:24 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lakshya Inching Closer

    In the last game he leads 15-9. He’s going fast towards the gold medal

  • 16:22 (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sathiyan path 1-3

    Drinkhall wins the fourth game 11-8. Sathiyan would like to finish this match as soon as possible. he only needs one match to win bronze

  • 16:20 (ACTUAL)

    Badmtinto: Lakshya four points ahead

    In the decisive third game, Lakshya leads 11-7 halfway through

  • 16:19 (ACTUAL)

    TT: Drinkhall leads in fourth game

    He leads the fourth game 9-5. The English player must win this match if he wants to stay alive in the match

  • 16:18 (ACTUAL)

    Hockey: India vs Australia men’s final live blog

    India will face the mighty Australians in the men’s hockey final at Commonwealth Games 2022. Follow the match live blog HERE.

  • 16:17 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lakshya Leads

    The Indian shuttler leads the third game 9-5. He has made a brilliant comeback

  • 16:11 (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sathiyan takes 3-0 lead

    Sathiyan is just one match away from taking a bronze medal in the men’s TT singles

  • 16:08 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lashya Sen wins second match

    The Indian is definitely at his best as he takes the match to the third game after winning the second game 21-9.

  • 16:03 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lakshya makes a comeback

    The young Indian shuttler leads 14-9 . in the second game

  • 15:56 (ACTUAL)

    TT: Sathiyan leads

    In the men’s singles – bronze medal match, India’s G Sathiyan has won the first match 11-9 against England’s Paul Drinkhall

  • 15:50 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lakshya takes lead in second game!

    What a rally, and it’s Lakshya Sen to match the score! 4-4 in second game!

  • 15:48 (ACTUAL)

    Table tennis: Sathiyan bronze medal match begins

    Sathiyan Gnanasekaran will compete against England’s Paul Drinkhall in the men’s singles for a bronze medal.

  • 15:46 (ACTUAL)

    Badminton: Lakshya Sen loses first match

    Lakshya Sen has lost his first match 19-21 to Tze Yong Ng of Malaysia in the ongoing gold medal match for men’s singles.

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