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Islanders News: What do we think of the upcoming season?

Islanders News: What do we think of the upcoming season?



The New York Islanders 2022-23 preseason is in the books, with an ugly start followed by a satisfying ending under new coach Lane Lambert. It is well known that the preseason is not a predictor of future success, but when we are dealing with a new coach, we take whatever scraps we can get to feed our hopes/anxieties for the new year.

Does it matter that the Islanders were two 4-1 defeats in the beginning and their four preseason wins came as a more opening night roster took shape?

[Insert your preferred ::shrug:: emoji here]

  • Hopeful side: maybe Lambert’s looser reins unlock Mathew Barzals’ maximum potential, and maybe a man like Robin Salo excels instead of being buried in Bridgeport.
  • Skeptical side: It’s largely the same setup and any deviation from the Trotzian norm of recent years could expose one of the goalkeepers, if not both.

When the islanders fired/fired Barry Trotz and Lambert got his PhD in a week’s time this summer, I didn’t know until we saw the camp. I stay there. But the season is near, so the data points that matter are just around the corner.

So…what do you say? Looking on the bright side? Anticipating six months of anxiety? Tell.

Islanders News

  • Andrew Gross and Colin Stephenson watch the season on Newsday. [Island Ice podcast]
  • They may face more strange rushes, but the islanders are convinced that Ilya Sorokin and Semyon Varlamov give them an edge. [Newsday]
  • ICYMI: Alex Romanov was fined up to $5,000 for charging Vincent Trochek. [TSN]


  • We have a transaction to announce: The Blues and Oilers are swapping disappointing prospects for the 2017 draft pick forward/defender, respectively. [TSN | Sportsnet]
  • The cap-tied Toronto Maple Leavestrying to free themselves from their grit will get you over the hump Wayne Simmonds contract, have signed PTO Zach Aston-Reese. [NHL]
  • Many players got waivers on Sunday, including Simmonds, Bostons Mike Reilly and Nick Foligno, and one-time super fantastic NCAA free agent scorer Will Butcher (Dallas), [TSN]
  • Fellow D-bag team the Rangers have signed fellow PTO Jimmy Vesey to some sort of employment contract. [NHL]
  • Ian Cole of the Lightning is the subject of a highly detailed assault and grooming allegation, and is suspended while the league and team investigate. [Raw Charge]




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