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Cardinal great Charley Trippi, NFL’s oldest living Pro Football Hall of Famer, dies at age 100

Cardinal great Charley Trippi, NFL’s oldest living Pro Football Hall of Famer, dies at age 100


Before dominating at the professional level, Trippi—who was born more than a century ago in Pittston, Pennsylvania, on December 14, 1921—played in Georgia, eventually earning a spot in the College Football Hall of Fame. With Trippi serving in the Air Force during World War II, his UGA sojourn was wedged around his time of service. He led the Bulldogs to a Rose Bowl win in 1943, earning MVP honors. Three years later, he was the Maxwell Award winner as the most outstanding college football player in America.

The start of Trippi’s NFL journey was front page news. Also a standout baseball player for Georgia, Trippi has turned down multiple offers from Major League Baseball teams. The New York Yankees american football team tried to lure him into the All-America Football Conference, but Trippi signed with the NFL’s Cardinals a then-record $100,000 fee.

As a halfback as part of the “Million Dollar Backfield”, which also included quarterback Paul Christman, halfbacks Elmer Angsman and Marshall Goldberg, and fullback Pat Harder, Trippi led Chicago to instant success. In Trippi’s 1947 rookie campaign, the Cardinals won the NFL Championship, 28-21, at Comiskey Park over Steve Van Buren’s Philadelphia Eagles. Battle with an icy field, next to the Eagles, Trippi famous basketball shoes for a better hold. Sensational in the clutch, Trippi scored the first touchdown of the title game on a 44-yard run, then added another score on a 75-yard punt return. He finished the game with 206 all-purpose yards.

A year later, the Cardinals and Eagles collided again in the title game. This time, however, Philadelphia and the weather had the best of Trippi and Chicago. The 1948 NFL Championship Game, played at Shibe Park in Philadelphia, was the first league title to be televised. It was also played amid blizzard conditions that delayed the start of the game. Trippi was held to the ground at 26 yards and Van Buren’s touchdown run in the fourth quarter was the lone score of the game in a 7-0 Eagles win.

The Cardinals would not return to the postseason for the remainder of Trippi’s time in the league, but the Swiss Army Knife still made a lasting impression on the football world. Trippi eventually became the team’s starting quarterback. He also served as the cardinals’ primary punter. Again, the man did it all.

All those years later, Trippi became just the second Pro Football Hall of Famer (Clarence “Ace” Parker was the first) to turn 100 on December 14, 2021. Along the way, Trippi envisioned the game transforming, after the $100,000 rookie paved the way decades and decades ago.

Arguably North America’s greatest athlete of all time, the legendary Jim Thorpe once called Trippi the “greatest footballer I’ve ever seen.”

An all-time big on the roster who was an emblem of versatility, he was a pioneer and a treasure.

Charley Trippi was one of all times.




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