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Sports – From the Vault: Excellent eight for magnificent McGrath


Lynn McGrath, who bought very close to the river, is better than close. Her. Swann McGraw is doing so well. There are so many balls in the right place and the one just back from the scene no shot for him and the judge VW. That’s the maximum we can test at the Wacker and cricket. It has just come back to make a round about the new role. and McGraw very bad on the crazy ground. Pakistan one by five. And is that a very good catch just above the grass. You Hayden was down there for a big man. That’s an excellent catch. Just a little bit fuller from McGraw, which encourages the drive, it’s great. great example of the research we just referred to and also an example of our salmon. buttt should be careful about playing those strokes. That is wonderful catching. My God. Shane made that easy. Quite late and almost to get within the line of the second slip. Correct cricket from Australia again. Very good line from Glen McGraw completely finished. That’s what happens to the edges of the. Well, that’s for sure. Huge there the flex away to the keeper. he just dangled his back. I think Pepsi, the highest thought was leaving this behind. The ball hit the edge and that was it. and that’s the perfect example of what we’re talking about with the Damon. you must know what to allow to pass and what to withdraw from. It remains off the ground as long as it was off the ground during the field. he is now. up there. Oh that’s fast ball fast ball. That is the end of the Pakistani captain. Well, he doesn’t look like he wants to go. Just absolutely noisy, let’s see if you can pick something up on that side of the stamp. I couldn’t see the bat near anything else. I think it’s just absolute frustration there, huge Nick, that’s the way I read it, I couldn’t see it. anything else anyway near the ball and so something like that he is five to forty-nine away and oh again comes McGraw. rest assured it will be there and there the question is what will it be? Will it be a Yorker? Will it be one of those deliveries that go over the top then it kind of goes away. The singing begins. Panther haunts as soon as he wants the attention of his ball. he wants another man on the other side. He puts another man into court. What’s the point of someone? bring them all there a lot here, we’re going 2467 fields plus the week keep it behind the wicked waiting for a head start. Lynn McGraw looks up. Ovaries from Sharon Oh, it’s a good delivery, but a bit wide and good. And that is all well understood. Michael Clarke and the float that went very fast and the young man responded brilliantly. There you go again. didn’t try to hit really hard. It’s just like a catchy short film practice and what an excellent cast of young Mark Clark. Oh, that was gone. Hey, that’s good. That was a great bouncer. That is quite straight and the use of Johann tries to get out. A little Nick These are wonderful rounds that McGraw usually rocks. This is an excellent short surprise use if you can’t get better at the end. now McGraw has seven for 21. Barry. He’s actually right for 30-8 Hess on fire in Pakistan, while they all travel to seven. In the air, and that’s the end, oh boy. he played Hess’s defensive shot fairly well. It’s the first time he’s driving and Glen McGraw has him in the middle. And hit that right in the middle, but unfortunately he also hit it straight to mid to slower ball from Darren Lehman. That’s the split-finger delivery, so back to hitting just a little too fast. That gives Glen McGraw eight to 24. It’s a great performance from Glenn McGrath. I think that ball will land on its chimney piece 24 – four inches. All the stuff there too. The second best Bowling figures ever in Australia. eight to 24.

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