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It is game for the tennis teams of Marblehead High School – News – Marblehead Reporter


Renovated courses revealed courtesy of Marblehead All Sports Boosters

It was love at first sight for the tennis teams, coaches and members of the high school community when they saw the renovated courts at Marblehead High School on Monday, July 6.

“We’re super excited,” said Leah Saulnier, the emerging Marblehead High School. “New year, new courts.”

Sauliner and her teammates were the first to hit balls at the level during an official ribbon cutting, squat-free, brightly colored tennis courts.

“We played our first year JV (junior varsity) on these courses,” said Kate Curran, an emerging senior. “There were so many cracks and grooves.”

Refurbishing five neglected tennis courts is the latest project from the Marblehead All Sports Booster. In December, the chairman of the foundation, Muffy Paquette, came to the school committee to ask for permission to raise funds for the renovation of the courts, which were considered virtually unplayable. Courts were plagued with cracked and pitted surfaces, weeds, floods and years of neglect.

Paquette said at the time that they had a very short time to raise money because the project had to start bidding towards the end of winter to insure a summer contractor so that the courts would be ready by the fall school opened.

“We were very lucky and unlucky,” said Paquette.

The Boosters raised $ 117,000 in about two months with the help of a second committee. Paquette said they initially released the project to get an idea of ​​what to raise. But by the time the official offer went out, the corona virus had landed and the new bids came at half the original cost.

“Everyone wanted to keep working,” she said.

With the lower bid, Paquette said they could add some nice things like new bleachers, benches, nicer net posts, and eventually windshields. She said they will also install a surveillance system so they can monitor the courts as well.

Rick Settelmeyer, who helped raise funds, called the new courts impressive.

“But it will be interesting to see what they look like in five or six years,” he added.

Paquette said that shouldn’t be a problem, as the fundraising included a reserve fund of $ 10,000- $ 15,000 dedicated to preserving the courts.

That’s good news for Etan Farfel and Jayden Janock, eighth graders who look forward to playing on the court when they go to high school.

“These are great,” said Farfel. “The others were really bad. The others had cracks everywhere and it is quite difficult to play with the cracks. ‘

MHS tennis player Jessie Munroe said it was also inconvenient to have visiting teams appear in high school and then take them to the Seaside Park courts because the high school courts were unusable.

“Varsity hasn’t used them in the past two years,” said MHS Girls Tennis Coach Tracy Ackerman. “This is really night and day.”

“I’m very excited to be playing next year,” said Daniel Farel, who will lead the boys MHS tennis team with Christopher Thompson. “It’s nice not to have to worry about cracks and grass … this provides much more consistency.”

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