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Wonderland, bakery, tennis club: a snapshot of pandemic aid in one city


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – A list of companies receiving part of the $ 660 billion US Paycheck Protection Program illustrates how deeply the pandemic aid of the government has penetrated Americans’ daily lives, but at the same time how uneven and volatile.

FILE PHOTO: An aerial view of Downtown Oakland can be seen in Oakland, California, USA, October 5, 2017. REUTERS / Stephen Lam

Take Oakland, California, a city of nearly half a million across San Francisco.

Among those approved for a forgivable loan of at least $ 150,000, data released Monday showed the city’s iconic Children’s Fairyland, zoo, and best-known ice cream parlor.

Kymberly Miller, Fairyland’s executive director, said she used the $ 400,000 loan to pay her 56 employees. The funds will run out on Tuesday.

The open-air amusement park for toddlers has been closed since March, and it is likely that state reopening will occur until August at the earliest.

Financially, Miller said, “we’re on the bubble … it’s not a pretty picture.”

The city’s zoo also used up its loan, which was between $ 2 million and $ 5 million. Fenton’s Creamery, which started in Oakland in 1894, received a loan of between $ 1 million and $ 2 million.

The Oakland Hills Tennis Club received its loan of between $ 150,000 and $ 350,000 in April when it closed, and has not charged a full membership fee to members since. In a newsletter published this month on its website, it told members that it had used up its PPP loan and that although it had been partially reopened, it was starting to renew some of its 51 employees. Calls and an email to the club were not answered.

Along Telegraph Avenue, which bisects the city from north to south, some 40 recipients include Bay Area Legal Aid, which provides free legal aid to those on low incomes; various medical and dental practices; one Korean restaurant among at least a dozen grouped together; and a cannabis sales software company called Treez.

On College Avenue, which starts in neighboring Berkeley on the University of California campus and ends at California College of the Arts, 20 different companies are listed as recipients, including one of Oakland’s best-known pizza shops, Zachary’s, which sells between $ 1 million and $ 2 million.

The bakery La Farine and its neighbor Wood Tavern each received between $ 350,000 and $ 1 million, but on the same block, the clothing store, which has just reopened, and the dog groomer, which is not, are not on the recipient list and neither do the two. restaurants across the street.

However, it’s not clear if those companies did not receive PPP support because the list of names released by the Treasury and the Small Business Administration on Monday included only names approved for $ 150,000 or more, which is good accounted for 73% of funds disbursed. In fact, the vast majority of loan recipients – more than 4.2 million out of nearly 4.9 million nationally – took less than that amount, with an average loan totaling $ 107,000.

Oakland companies received approximately 7,500 loans, of which 1,100 for more than $ 150,000. In total, loans amounted to between $ 460 million and $ 1.1 billion, data shows.

Reporting by Ann Saphir with reporting by Brad Heath; Edited by Nick Zieminski

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