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“You’ll have to adjust,” Sask. Hockey is working on complex returns to play


The Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA) is working to get the game back on the ice.

On March 12, Hockey Canada announced that it had canceled all activities related to the sport, including games, tournaments and provincials, due to the mounting threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Just over two months later, Hockey Canada said it was working on a “versatile return to hockey plan.” That plan changed in every county association that dictated her return to the sport, said SHA General Manager Kelly McClintock.

“Seeing how the situation unfolded across the country, (members of Hockey Canada) said ‘we can’t possibly all come back at once’ (it should) depend on each county government and county health authority,” McClintock told Tuesday 650 CKOM.

“It’s up to Saskatchewan Hockey if we have hockey in the county.”

McClintock says hard work is underway on SHA’s return-to-play model with the county’s other SHA, the Saskatchewan Health Authority. McClintock Sask said along with the county. Hockey also teams up with the COVID-19 business response team to get back into action.

“They will eventually approve everything. It makes no sense that we now make many guidelines. There can be some massive changes between now and August 15, ”said McClintock.

“I hope we can start playing Thanksgiving. If we can do that, I think we are in a very good scenario. ‘

When the return to the rink takes place, McClintock reiterated that it would be a gradual approach. However, the biggest changes some may find fall on those who house the games.

“You will have to take much more precautions when entering an arena,” said McClintock. ‘At the moment you don’t see any spectators in the stands. You see much more cleaning for facilities. ‘

On Monday, indoor arenas were given the green light to reopen. McClintock says that a maximum of 30 people are currently allowed in each arena.

As we get closer to the fall start that the SHA has in mind, McClintock says there is a lot of work to be done by the congregations in Saskatchewan.

“Are they prepared? With (maybe) the extra cleaning requirements, what does that mean? More costs for the cleaning process? Maybe more costs for volunteers and staff to clean, “he said.

McClintock wasn’t sure whether concessions could reopen, but said many ice rinks would feel the pressure of paying bills if they couldn’t get the green light.

“We try to keep our associations up to date,” he said. “It’s like everything else we deal with. You will have to adapt whether you like it or not. ‘

Much remains to be decided when it comes to returning to the game, McClintock says they are working on several options for associations. Whether that’s mini-games in a geographic bubble or the season 4-on-4 kicks off, a Hockey Canada workgroup will decide that side of returning to play, according to McClintock.

The number of players returning to hockey in the fall is yet another question, with health concerns at the top of the agenda due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

From what associations McClintock say, things don’t look as bad as people might think.

“Our members are really, very optimistic that they don’t see any decline at all just based on the feedback they get,” he said. “They feel that parents and children are excited to come back.”

“I think people are in there (mindset), ‘we just want to play hockey’.”

When a second wave eventually hits Canada, McClintock says all 13 Hockey Canada locations are working together as one to find the following solutions to address the pandemic.

“Things can change positive or negative so quickly,” he said.

McClintock noted that tournaments, along with outside border games, can be long, at least before the return process begins.

From the feedback SHA gets, McClintock says it’s all about getting back on the ice for Saskatchewan’s athletes.

“If they can play around them, they’ll be happy.”

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