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Kelly Loeffler must go; Penn State basketball speaks to a bigger college problem


Kelly Loeffler doesn’t get it. What’s more, she doesn’t want to.

Atlanta Dream co-owner, who is also a US Senator from Georgia, reportedly urged WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert to scrap plans for players to wear Black Lives Matter and Say Her Name on warm-up jerseys. “data-reactid =” 18 “> The Atlanta Dream co-owner, who is also a US Senator from Georgia, has reportedly called on WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert to scrap plans for players to wear Black Lives Matter and Say Her Name on warm-up sweaters.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Loeffler wrote to Engelbert that using those messages shows a certain political agenda that undermines the potential of the sport and sends an exclusion message. “Data-reactid =” 19 “> According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Loeffler wrote to Engelbert that using those messages shows a certain political agenda that undermines the potential of the sport and sends an exclusion message.

She added, the truth is, we need less and no more politics in sports. In a time when polarizing politics is as divided as ever, sport has the power to be a unifying antidote. And now we must be more united than ever in our goal of removing politics from sport.

This is the attitude of the very privileged, and someone who has no historical knowledge of sports, at least not in this country. Politics has long been part of sport, but like most things, people don’t consider it political if they agree.

If you agree with military crossovers and honor military members at NFL games or First Responders Night at NHL games, even though those things serve as recruiting aids for those groups and are funded with local and national tax money, you won’t see them as politics.

If you disagree with athletes raising a fist or kneeling while playing the national anthem, drawing attention to civilians who are murdered on the street or in their own homes by the police and asking all people in this country for the same basic rights enjoy and treated the same, especially by state actors, then you start screaming that you don’t want politics in sports.

Do you see how that works?

placing a statement from Engelbert on social media Tuesday afternoon: “data-reactid =” 26 “> The competition finally says something publicly, placing a statement from Engelbert on social media Tuesday afternoon:

The WNBA is based on the principle of equal and fair treatment of all people and we, along with the teams and players, will continue to use our platforms to strongly advocate for social justice. Senator Kelly Loeffler has been no longer governor of the Atlanta Dream since October 2019 and is no longer involved in the day-to-day running of the team.

That’s all well and good, and it’s great that Engelbert has made it clear that advocating for social justice is a top priority for the league. But the WNBA has to force Loeffler out.

Right now I’m far from the only one who feels this way.

tweeted the link with a strong message: ENOUGH! FROM! Sarah Flynn, member of the Leagues Board of Advocates PostedShe must go. “Data-reactid =” 30 “> Not long after the AJC story on Tuesday, the WNBPA, the players union, tweeted the link with a strong message: ENOUGH! FROM! Sarah Flynn, member of the Leagues Board of Advocates PostedShe has to go.

Sue Bird, Natasha Cloud and Skylar Diggins-Smithamong other things tweeted about Loeffler, wonder why she’s still part of the competition and that it’s time for her to go. “data-reactid =” 31 “> In recent days, stars including Sue Bird, Natasha Cloud and Skylar Diggins-Smith tweeted about Loeffler, wonder why she’s still part of the competition and that it’s time for her to go.

It is an insult to those women, and especially those women who enter the WNBA bubble as members of the dream, endangering their health and the health of those closest to them and underperforming provisions in their pursuit of a pretend season in the midst of a pandemic, for Loeffler to play another day in the league.

Penn States basketball coach and the noose comment

who revealed in an interview with The Undefeated that he left the Nittany Lions program after head coach Pat Chambers told Bolton that he wanted to help loosen the noose around your neck and the events that followed aren’t alone. “data-reactid =” 34 “> I’m sure Rasir Bolton, the former basketball player from Penn State who revealed in an interview with The Undefeated that he left the Nittany Lions program after head coach Pat Chambers told Bolton that he wanted to help loosen the noose around your neck and the events that followed aren’t alone.

Even without student athletes from the state of Oklahoma, Clemson, Iowa, and other schools speaking to talk about the obnoxious and tone-deaf (at best) interactions they had with coaches, I know Bolton wasn’t alone.

The dynamics between top athletes and coaches are often difficult; Scholarships can be drawn, favorites played, and students dreaming of becoming a professional and graduating mean that coaches have an incredible amount of power.

Add in the dynamics of black college students with white coaches who don’t know African America history, the origins of slavery, Jim Crow, the terrorism of lynchings and / or segregation and the way many of them live today. Those students often undergo micro-aggressions, goofs and downright racist behavior to pursue their goals.

When Bolton spoke of Chambers ‘comment, Bolton had to visit the Penn States sports psychologist and learn how to deal with Chambers’ personality type. Chambers did not undergo training not to deal with his black players and did not lightly suggest that they had a noose around their neck.

However, he noted Bolton that his parents were well spoken and organized, a well-known excavation implying that it is surprising to find black Americans who are one of those things.

In a statement on Monday night, Chambers said in part that it is critical that I acknowledge my responsibility to better understand the experiences of others, and I am committed to doing the necessary work to do so.

He’s not alone in doing that job, and if colleges are interested in their student athletes who go beyond what they contribute to the school’s financial cash, they should demand education and training from all coaches.

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