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Orange County football coaches are disappointed with the postponement of summer conditioning programs – Orange County Register


Football coach Sunny Hills Pete Karavedas received a call from his school management when he left the practice field at about 5:20 PM on Monday. The news was not good.

After nine modified strength and fitness workouts since June 22 and no positive tests for COVID-19, reigning CIF-SS champion Lancers were advised to postpone their summer workouts to further guidelines from health officials.

Karavedas quickly brought news that Monday night football programs in Orange County were turned upside down: Summer programs and camp are being postponed as the county, state, and nation continue to struggle with the corona virus pandemic.

“The kids are frustrated,” said Karavedas, who led the Lancers to Division 8 title last season. “We’ve had pretty good surgery.”

And the Lancers were not alone. From Fullerton to Mission Viejo, coaches and school administrators had planned meticulous small-group training, focusing on social distance, temperature controls, and wearing masks to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

The workouts began to appear on June 15 when the county of Orange County announced the reopening of youth sports practices.

On Monday, the Irvine and Saddleback Valley counties joined the trial.

Irvine Unified Athletic Director Mark Cunningham visited college high schools, Woodbridge and Irvine to observe workouts. At every school, he was impressed with the execution of carefully planned plans for more than a day.

“I was so proud,” he said. “They were so professional.”

Mission Viejo, part of the Saddleback Valley district, opened Monday with new toning and conditioning coach Todd Norman, eight thermometers and plenty of professional cleaning already completed.

But after an enthusiastic first day, Mission Viejo was among the summer programs that were discontinued when it was “dialed in”.

“It just stinks,” said Diablos football coach Chad Johnson. “My district, my administration, has worked very hard to get this done. … Everyone was excited. ‘

The Orange County Department of Education legal counsel advised the postponement after confirming with the California Department of Public Health that “youth sports, including conditioning activities related to high school athletic programs, are not yet permitted under current guidelines from the police”.

The OC Department of Education sought confirmation after receiving inquiries from local districts, said Ian Hanigan, the department’s Chief Communications Officer.

Regarding the transit order of June 15, an Orange County spokesman said on Tuesday that the coronavirus is making changes to guidelines and will provide further instruction on youth sports on Thursday.

Football coaches recognize that the health environment is challenging.

La Habra trained for about a week in late June before discontinuing its practices because a first-year player family member tested positive for COVID-19, said Highlanders soccer coach Frank Mazzotta.

Mazzotta said the precaution allowed more information to be collected.

And then came Monday’s postponement for the entire province. Private schools like Mater Dei, Santa Margarita and Servite postponed their training on Tuesday.

“It’s definitely a step back,” said Mazzotta. “You need to see how the kids love (the workouts).”

Cypress football coach Rick Feldman saw Monday’s development as a sign that the season in the southern section is not starting as planned on August 21. The CIF state is expected to share its plans for sports in 2020-21 on July 20.

Cunningham wondered if well-run, custom workouts will be canceled in early July, how will school campuses reopen with students? And if schools cannot reopen, how will sport resume in high school? But he also learned that a pandemic can change quickly.

“It may all change tomorrow, and we’ll be on our way again,” he said.

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