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Table tennis sensation Oye takes gold

Table tennis sensation Oye takes gold


TABLE tennis sensation Oye Jemiyo is at the top of his game and won a golden meal at a prestigious competition.

The player from Bierley won gold at the prestigious St Neots Para Open Grand Prix tournament in Cambridgeshire, beating Nathan Drayner in the final match of class one and two.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Oye Jemiyo is delighted to have won goldOye Jemiyo is delighted to have won gold

This is the last tournament on the national calendar before Great Britain’s coaches make their decision on the selection of athletes for the Pathway team in December. The Player Pathway charts a player’s journey from club to the Olympic and Paralympic Podium Programme.

Oye says: “I really knew I had to bring my A-game to this tournament so I’ve been working really hard with all the people who support me on a regular basis. It hasn’t been easy physically and financially, and it’s been tough psychologically too. because my mother passed away around this time last year.

He adds: Winning against a friend is not easy because we practice together at the same level at the GB camp in Sheffield, so we know each other well.

“After I took the first set, Nathan stepped up his game to serve really well in my weak areas and won the second set. I really had to concentrate in the third set to return Nathan’s quick serve to just beat him. squeeze and I had to control the table more to win the fourth. I hope my performance will secure me a spot in the GB Pathway roster at selection next month.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Oye played fellow competitor Nathan DraynerOye played fellow competitor Nathan Drayner

Nigerian-born Oye has been confined to a wheelchair since he was two years old after contracting polio. He started playing table tennis in 1996, aged 19, at Eccleshill Sports Centre, where he learned from renowned coach Hans Soova. He trained at Nab Wood Sports Centre, Oakbank School and Bradford Girls’ Grammar School and over the years has won many medals for Great Britain in national disability events.

He says, I want to dedicate this medal to Stephen, Mike, Bebi, Betty, Bethany and Natasha at TOPS, Sean at Independence Mobility, Katalin at Baruwa Tailors, Moira at Trinity Therapies, Ryan at TayCare Medical and Blessing, for all their support on different ways in my life that make me the player I am today.

Oye will be raising money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance at the White Rose Shopping Center in Leeds on Saturday 28th January 2023. He will play table tennis non-stop for seven hours, while continuing to work for charities he is passionate about.




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