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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle appear in new video – as Prince William and Kate Middleton embark on US tour

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle appear in new video – as Prince William and Kate Middleton embark on US tour


Gemma strong

Prince Harry and Megan Markle have appeared together in a brand new video to promote the 2023 Invictus Games.

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The black and white short film has been released on the official social media sites for Invictus, which takes place in Düsseldorf between September 9 and 16.

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WATCH: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle face off in competitive video

Participants are seen preparing to enter an empty stadium for a table tennis match – with a difference.

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Prince Harry is soon revealed to be their opponent, and can be seen smiling before nodding his head in response to an impressive shot.

Prince Harry appears at inaugural invictus games

Prince Harry founded the Invictus Games in 2014

At the very end of the video, Harry picks up his table tennis bat again before taking on the final competitor: his wife Meghan.

The caption for the video reads, “Are you ready? The incredible experience that is the #InvictusGames is getting closer and closer.

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“Be part of it and experience the power of sport in recovery in Düsseldorf from September 9-16, 2023. Tickets for the opening and closing ceremonies are now available!”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle talk to competitors at the Invictus Games event

Harry and Meghan are expected to attend the 2023 Games

The release of the video coincides with the first day of prince william and Katevisit to Boston.

The royals will land in the US later on Wednesday for a three-day tour in honor of the second annual Earthshot Prize Awards.

Kate Middleton and Prince William beam as they step out together

William and Kate will begin their visit to the US later today

William and Kate – who are on their first official overseas trip King Charles‘s reign – will first attend a welcome event outside Boston City Hall, attended by Michelle Wu, the city’s mayor.

They will then formally begin the countdown to Earthshot by green-lighting City Hall – and other prominent Boston buildings – in a spectacular visual tribute.

Prince William and Kate Middleton arrive for Earthshot Awards 2021

The royals imagined arriving for the 2021 Earthshot Awards

William and Kate’s visit will culminate in the star-studded Earthshot Awards on Friday night. Superstar singer Billie Eilish will lead an amazing lineup for the awards, founded by William to recognize and scale up environmental solutions to restore the planet.

Other acts that can be seen at the MGM Music Hall include Annie Lennox and Ellie Goulding.

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