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Week Zero Used to create confusion in Tennessee High School’s football schedule


Can you imagine taking a new job and asking the boss, when should I start?
He says week zero.
Come again.
Week zero.
What is that?
Exactly, what is that? Well, week zero used to be an exception to Tennessee High School’s football schedule.
The season started week one, of course, but see, games had been played the week before at week zero.

It wasn’t a crazy leap year that gave us week zero. It was just a need for flexible planning.
TSSAA Assistant Director Matthew Gillespie said: “Many schools struggled to make it to their tenth game, so we initially had a handful of schools starting out with an exception. Look, we only have nine games. The only way we can get this tenth game is if we play week by week one. Finally it just got to the point where it was just given a name. It’s just as good, there’s always been weeks one through ten, which is why we just call it week zero. ‘
And then the fun started.
East Ridge head coach Tim James said, “It confused everyone. In which week is this? Week one? Week zero? Week eleven? What is this?”
Gillespie said, “I mean, I mean it. I really had people who would just love us. That is stupid. Why is it week zero? I mean, you could easily call it week negative. ‘
Former Boyd Buchanan and current East Hamilton head coach Grant Reynolds: “I think there was probably a bit of confusion at first with the fans watching the schedule. Do you remember a lot of the questions we had were we eleven or ten games? “We were like, no, we’re still playing a regular ten-game season. It’s just that we have a farewell week now. This zero week is about to start.”
Funny name aside, Tim James was always a fan of the week zero concept.
James said, “You know, to be honest, we played Week Zero almost every year when it was available.”
Reynolds said, “Added a week from scratch. It turned out to be a pretty good thing, because you could have a free week or a thaw week during the regular season. ”
James said, “If you play someone from week two or actually week one. Shoot. Here we go with the confusion. If you play week zero, and then a team week that hasn’t played a match, you’re ahead of the game. ”
Long live week zero.
Gillespie said, “Well, it got to the point where there were so many schools that Week Zero was planned to essentially become Week One. And then finally the sign, I mean it didn’t change anything, but they said it right. Now we are going to call it week one and the last week is week eleven. And for some reason people got happy about that. ‘

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Rick Nyman grew up in Anniston, Alabama and attended the University of Alabama. His TV career started at WJSU-TV in Anniston, where he got the chance to cover SEC football with Alabama and Auburn. Anniston is just 20 minutes from the Talladega Speedway, so NASCAR was a big part of its sports coverage. This allowed him to interview Davey Allison, Dale Earnhardt, Jeff Gordon and several other well-known NASCAR drivers. Rick’s next TV job was in Savannah, Georgia, where he covered basketball player Kwame Brown (now with the Washington Wizards), who later became the first high school player to be selected as the top pick in the NBA draw. He reported on the annual swing of the PGA Tour through Hilton Head and also had the chance to beat the 1999 Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl performance in Miami. Rick especially enjoys all the atmosphere, tradition and drama of college football. He also likes profiling sports personalities and learning what drives them both on and off the field. When not practicing sports, he watches Seinfield or David Letterman, plays golf, reads or trains. What he likes about Chattanooga is the passion people have for sports. The mountainous area of ​​Chattanooga reminds him of his birthplace Anniston, which also has large, beautiful trees and many hills. You can contact Rick at [email protected].

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