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This was the intention: tennis superstar Venus Williams won the Wimbledon title 20 years ago


In 1957, Althea Gibson won the women’s singles event at Wimbledon, becoming the first black woman to achieve that feat.

She did it again in 1958.

Shaking the Queen of England’s hands was far from forced to sit in the colored section of the bus that drove to downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, she said.

42 years ahead.

The next black to win that title was Venus Williams.

20 years ago, on July 8, 2000, Williams won the women’s singles title at Wimbledon.

The New York Times says: Finally, Althea Gibson was no longer alone. Williams became the first African-American woman to win Wimbledon since Gibson took the title in 1958. At the same time, Venus and Serena Williams became the first sisters in tennis history to each hold a Grand Slam title.

“This was the intention,” said Venus Williams. “I’ve worked hard all my life. I had many sacrifices. ‘

There were endless days on the courses of Compton, California, slapping through a 550-ball shopping cart. But with a feel for those on a much more difficult journey, Williams had a perspective on what she had accomplished alongside Gibson.

“It had to be difficult because people couldn’t see the color from the past,” said Williams. “Yet it is hardly different nowadays, because you realize that it was only 40 years ago. How can you turn years and centuries of bias into 40 years? ‘

In 2000, Venus Williams defending champion Lindsay Davenport captured the title.

During her tennis career, Venus won seven Grand Slam titles, 16 Grand Slam doubles and four Olympic gold medals, according to

Venus Williams

Venus Williams, from Palm Beach Ggardens, Florida, is reaching for a return to her sister, Serena, during their women’s semifinal match at Wimbledon, Thursday, July 6, 2000. Venus won 6-4, 7-6 (7-3). (AP Photo / Adam Butler, Pool)Associated Press


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