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Giants’ Logan Webb embraces every role after off-season mechanics change


In a game won by adaptations, the slightest change can go a long way. Giants pitcher Logan Webb has already felt the results after correcting his mechanics.

Webb spent the off-season in Arizona, where he regularly attended the Giants’ spring training in Scottsdale. He stayed there after the camp was closed due to the corona virus and threw numerous bullpens. But then he was stuck. His progress was on a plateau, that is, until he started the band and pitch coordinator Justin Lehr.

“Me and Justin Lehr started watching some videos and I noticed something about my attitude in my throwing mechanics,” Webb said in a recent telephone interview with NBC Sports Bay Area. “I was more forward than I wanted to be. I really started working on that and having a better posture, and it has felt normal since then.

“It was just a little switch and I’ve been feeling good ever since.”

This was not about adding a new pitch or changing its grip. The problem was quite common. In reality, it is a solution that I myself could use to avoid trips to the chiropractor while working from home.

Webb went on to say how he thinks better posture is incredibly important. Whether you are a pitcher, hitter or daily worker, it can change lives. Literally. For the young Giants pitcher, he quickly noticed the difference.

“Just a little bit more upright when I go down the hill,” Webb explained. “Frankly, you just generally feel stronger.”

Buster Posey immediately saw the difference. The seasoned catcher was very impressed with Webb’s first bullpen against live hitters on the second day of Summer Camp, saying the show was “really, really good”.

“His stuff was electric,” Posey told reporters. “I thought a few ticks from spring.”


Webb dominated in the minor leagues last season, going 2-4 with a 1.85 ERA over 12 appearances (10 starts). He then made his MLB debut in August at the age of just 22 and finished 2-3 with an ERA of 5.22 in eight starts. Before spring training stalled, Webb only got two starts and was determined to prove himself once the season resumed.

His first impression couldn’t have gone much better, and Posey’s words went far.

“When he heard he thought it was cool, he said he was excited when we were done,” Webb said. “When you hear that from one of the best people who ever did it, it’s pretty cool.

The Rocklin resident said he and Shaun Anderson joked about the number of bullpens they’ve thrown in recent months. Webb counted that he threw at least 20 or 22, but was excited to finally meet hitters. On Wednesday, Webb was among the group of pitchers who took the mound in the Giants’ first intrasquad game and he continued to impress.

Over two innings in the simulated game, Webb struckout four and gave up only one hit. Among the eight Giants pitchers of the day, he was easily near the top performers.

“Logan Webb continues to impress with the shape of his breaking ball and fastball and a lot of confidence,” manager Gabe Kapler told reporters.

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Kapler also has big plans for Webb this season. Starting the year, Webb was expected to have an inning limit. There was even the real possibility that he started the season in Triple-A Sacramento to follow his workload. With the season of 162 games out, plans have completely changed.

The 60 game season could actually be perfect for the right-handed player. He was certainly looking forward to his first full season in the major leagues and was preparing for that. But Kapler’s main focus currently is on pitchers who can adjust, pitch multiple innings and be effective as a starter or reliever.

That sounds perfect to Webb. There is no playbook for this season’s sprint and it is ready for any role.

“I’m ready to do anything,” said Webb. “… That mentality that I have, I think this could be the perfect situation.”

Webb spent two seasons in Short-Season Class-A with the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes. He last did this in 2017 and had an ERA of 2.89 in 15 games as a reliever. To prepare for such a, well, short season, Webb uses his experience with the volcanoes.

“It’s a sprint and you have to take every race seriously,” said Webb. “It will be fun because every game feels like a playoff game. You have to win every game. I don’t really know what to expect from it, but I just know that I’m excited about it.

“I am one of the most competitive people ever. I care about that. I’m excited about that. “

Although he has come from Salem-Keizer for a long time, that competitive advantage has always been there for Webb. It will be certain this year, as the Giants want to shock many in the short season, and the pitcher has never felt so strong thanks to a simple fix to improve his stance.

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