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No. 4 Texas A&M bests FAU to advance to finals of ITA Kickoff Weekend – Texas A&M Athletics

No.  4 Texas A&M bests FAU to advance to finals of ITA Kickoff Weekend – Texas A&M Athletics


BRYAN COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The No. 4 Texas A&M women’s tennis team overcame the weather, and the Florida Atlantic Owls (4-0) at the Mitchell Tennis Center to advance to the ITA Kickoff Weekend Finals against No. 20 Florida.

Despite rain delays, the Aggies started strong in doubles. Mary Stoiana/Carson Branstine defeated Martina Kudelova/Carli Galmiche on court one (6-0), bringing their record as a pair to 2-0. Achieving the double point was Gianna Pielet/Mia Koepres Knocked out Millie-Mae Matthews/Katerina Filip on court five (6-1), improving their record as a team to 2-0. Jayci Goldsmith/Salma Ewing were on their way to victory on court three against Lexi Silna/Victoria Gomez O’Hayon (5-2) before the doubles ended.

Leading 1-0 heading into singles, the Aggies kept their foot on the gas and claimed three quick singles victories to secure the game (4-0). No. 51 Goldsmith defeated Amber McGinnis on court four (6-1, 6-0). On the first lane, No. 9 defeated Stoiana Kudelova (6-0, 6-1). Simultaneously on runway six, No. 105 Jeanette Mireles earned her first win of the season, securing victory for the Aggies by defeating Millie-Mae Matthews (6-0, 6-2).

Head coach Mark Weaver on today’s game

“I thought our group handled the conditions really well, it’s hard to come out and play great tennis after sitting still for 48 hours. The first round of these events is always a challenge but it was good to get away come up with a 4-0 win. and now we have to get ready to play tomorrow.”


Due to the forecasted inclement weather, Texas A&M will travel to Waco to play Monday at the Hurd Tennis Center, where it will play Florida’s number 20 at 1 p.m.


Singles results
No. 9 Stoiana (2-0) Div. Kudelova (6-0, 6-1)
Branstine (1-0) Philip (7-6(2), 2-1 DNF)
Ewing (2-0) Silna (6-4, 4-3 DNF)
Kupres (3-0) Gomez O’Hayon (6-2, 3-3 DNF)
No. 51 Goldsmith (3-0) Final McGinnis (6-1, 6-0)
No. 105 Mireles (1-0) Finals Matthews (6-0, 6-2)

Double result
Branstine/Stoiana (2-0) Div. Kudelova/Galmiche (6-0)
Goldsmith/Ewing (2-1) Silna/Gomez O’Hayon (5-2 DNF)
Kupres/Pielet (2-0) Finals. Philip/Matthews (6-1)


Visit for more information on Texas A&M women’s tennis. Fans can keep up with the A&M women’s tennis team on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by following @AggieWTEN.




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