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Hokies make final push for ACC Championships

Hokies make final push for ACC Championships


SWARTSBURG The Hokies finished the regular season at the Virginia Tech Invitational, posting a total of 11 pool records and six top times.


“The last few days have been good for the team. We still have some work to do for ACCs, but we are all very proud of the team. We have chosen the rest of the team for ACCs, so that is exciting for everyone. breaking this number of pool records shows how much faster everyone is getting. Now it’s time for the team to rest.”



Distance swimmer Pursue Travis finished the 1650 free with an impressive 16:23.87, and her teammate followed her Maddy Grafmiller with a time of 17:00.27.

The Hokiewomen always dominate the backstroke. Emma Atkinson finished with a time of 1:52.46 and was behind her Carmen Weiler Sastre completed her swim in 1:57.21, and was soon after Sydney DeBaecke with a time of 1:59.10.

The women held on as they stepped into the 100 free led by Emily Clausson who finished first with a time of 49.61. Was right behind her Caroline Bentz with a time of 49.76, helping the team hold on to the top three times Anna Summers with a time of 49.83.

Charlotte Rig finished the 200 breast with a time of 2:16.49, followed by her teammates Allison Henry ending at 2:18.02, and Lauren Barkey kept up the momentum as she finished at 2:19.03.

Morgan Miller took first place in the 200 fly, finishing with a time of 2:00.18, and close behind her was her teammate Look French who finished with a time of 2:00.57.

The women’s portion of the competition concluded with the 400 free relay, completed in 3:16.13, setting a new pool record by Weiler Sastre, Claesson, Atkinson and Moore.


The men’s team started the day with the 1650 pretty true What’s up with Lee completed this race at 15:35.60 shortly behind him followed his teammate Nikolas Lee Bishop with a time of 15:39.23.

The Hokies continued to push hard as they entered the 200 back trueNico Garcia Saiz finished first at 1:41.08. Behind him were teammates Will Koeppenwith a time of 1:43.09, and Bos Webb packing the top three times at 1:43.35.

The 100 free was a feast for the eyes then Luis Dominguezcompleted this race in 43.20 and took first place.

The momentum didn’t die out, especially in the men’s 200 chest completed byCarlos Coll Marti which dominated the pool. He completed the event in 1:52.82, bettering the pool record. His teammates were right there behind him Keith Myburgh finished with a time of 1:57.58 and was right behind him Joseph Hongcompleting this event with a time of 1:57.84.

Continuing this fight in the 200 flies was Youssef Ramadan who took first place with a time of 1:42.96, supported by his teammates Landon Gentry finished second with a time of 1:44.07, and Tanish George Matthew finished in the top three times with 1:46.83.

To end the weekend, Youssef Ramadan, Carlos Coll Marti, Luis Dominguez And Mario Molla Yanes placed first in the 400 free relay in 2:51.77.


100 back

100 flies

100 chest

200 chest

200 im

200 free relay

400 free relay

200 medley relay

400 medley relay


50 free

200 free relay

200 medley relay

400 medley relay


The Hokies head to Greensboro, NC to compete in the 2023 ACC Championships which begin on Tuesday, February 14 and end on Saturday, February 18.




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