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For Cubs David Ross, the dog’s summer days have come for his first game as a manager


Friday was a big birthday with Cubs manager David Ross. Maya, his bernedoodle a Bernese mountain dog and poodle mix became 1.

Ross, 43, bought Maya last August as a gift for his three children. Theyd had always wanted a puppy, but Ross had trouble wrapping his head around the idea. How can a baseball player have a dog? How should it work with all the trips a player, announcer or manager has to make?

When is a good time for it? he remembers thinking. It really never is.

He was wrong. It was the perfect time. Recently divorced, Ross bonded with Maya during spring training in Arizona. After baseball stopped in March due to the pandemic, Ross had a constant companion. Today, he walks along the lake and near Wrigley with Maya, watches SportsCenter with her on the sofa and scratches her head while digging into Ivy, Cubs’ internal scouting database, on his laptop.

Turns out having a dog isn’t what Ross thought he was getting into at all.

Turns out managing the Cubs isn’t either.

I wish the outside world [could see] not that they don’t have their own problems, but what the players should do, he said. It is extremely difficult and it is mentally stressful.

But when Ross went on, he could easily have described himself. In fact he was. Every player and coach on his watch faces a more difficult than normal life on the baseball field every day. This also applies more to the manager.

You always worry about being too close to someone, and you always worry about your mask, he said. You have another one to go [inside], outside or in the bullpens. And then you get a test day if you can get results, and a little bit of that unknown, a little bit of that fear: did I do everything right?

You start running back in your mind about the two days since you tested what you did, where you went, who you contacted in case something bad comes back on your test. I mean it is real.

But there is much more to Ross record than that. There is a heavy responsibility for everyone involved to follow health and safety protocols and keep the Cubs baseball bubble intact. He did not train for this. He did not spend the greatest years of his life studying infectious diseases. He was a ball player, a catcher, a big lug with a bigger personality who helped pitchers win and club houses got together.

Now he spends so much time talking about the coronavirus, including in daily Zoom news conferences, which can’t be so much fun that it must be hard to tell where the creepy stuff ends and baseball begins.

Ross people’s skills are rare and true. Without them, he wouldn’t have had the career he had, probably wouldn’t have a World Series to his name, and certainly wouldn’t have this job. But the Ross who laughs, laughs and makes his way through many a normal interaction is not insensitive to fear, frustration or stress. There are a few cut answers to those press conferences, a few small signs that not everything is delicious. How is that possible?

He admits that he is tired of talking at the end of the day.

But you know what? he said. Were in this baseball field and it feels like the season is upon us. I am new … [but] that’s how it feels. Like, had much more serious conversations about staff, and I started getting those thoughts when I was in bed at night thinking about the group.

Thinking about players, about chemistry, about winning, those are the nice things, what is his baseball core, why is he here in the first place.

Unfortunately, there is a virus that threatens it all, and when is a good time for it? It really never is.

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