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No football at MinnWest: ‘A difficult time’


Late Monday afternoon at the Minnesota College Athletic Conference (MCAC), it was announced that the fall, 2020 football, volleyball, and football seasons were canceled for the conferences of 24 two-year colleges in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. College presidents cited continuing concerns about the coronavirus as the impetus for the move, noting that a decision had to be made with volleyball games that would start on August 18 and football games that would start just four days later.

Linder said he could barely keep up with text messages and phone calls from parents and footballers right after the announcement. He continues to do his best, he said, answering questions and helping student athletes make the important decisions they need to make now.

When I get home, I’m going to spend quite a bit of time – and that’s okay because it’s my job – to find homes for some of these kids, he said Wednesday.

Many student athletes stay in Minnesota West in the 2020-21 school year, and Linder is happy for those who will. A large number of recruits are already talking about staying, he said, but a few of the sophomores are considering moving on. Four-year-old football schools are already contacting Linder and telling him they are willing to hire some of his players.

But there’s no denying it: a year without football in Minnesota West will be difficult.

It’s just a big disappointment. It is a disappointment for the players, it is a disappointment for the parents and the fans. It is a difficult time for them. It’s been a difficult time for all of us, Linder said.

He said he understands the decision of the university presidents. It couldn’t have been easy to decide.

Sitting in those chairs is really hard on them. That’s why they’re in those chairs, Linder said. They look at things that are further away, they look at more variables than I do. It is not a decision they made quickly.

Elsewhere in the MCAC, coaches responded to Monday’s decision in predictable ways.

Erica Smith, head of volleyball coach at Ridgewater, said she and her colleagues were optimistic before the announcement. We didn’t know what it would look like, but we were very sure it would happen. It was shocking, but I’m glad we have a decision. The girls know what to expect and I know what to expect, Smith told the West Central Tribune.

It’s disappointing, but most of all, disappointing and daunting for our student athletes and for our coaches, athletics director Rochester Community and Technical College Mike Lester told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Sports staff at two-year schools outside the MCAC have taken note of the Monday decision.

As for our situation, sports are going as planned, said Bismarck State College AD Buster Gilliss. Could that change tomorrow, or in a week or in a month? Of course. But hoping to exercise in the fall and that was what we planned.

Linder wonders if the MCAC announcement will affect fall high school sports in Minnesota.

I am really concerned about high schools. What will the governor see in this? What will the High School League see in this? he said, adding that the high school players experienced things like this in the spring. But not having their football season was not part of that.

For Linder itself it will be a completely different kind of autumn. In a typical season, he said that from the third week of July to November he is fully engaged in football.

It’s going to be really strange to me, he admitted. It’s been more than 30 years since I haven’t had football in my life.

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