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MIAA is still looking for alignments for football and hockey Sport


FRANKLIN On June 29, the MIAA Tournament Management Committee met for over three hours to discuss future matches for football and ice hockey. Ultimately, the proposed division adjustments, which would be introduced from late 2021 onwards, were rejected due to conflict over the ‘committee’s methodology to form reconciliations’.

The TMC approved the committee’s proposal for girls’ ice hockey for two divisions, along with their alignment plans.

The football committee presented an eighth division plan approved by the TMC, but the specific alignment for which the divisions would be placed was rejected.

According to the Boston Herald, Wellesley’s Athletic Director John Brown could not understand why programs such as Wachusett Regional and Shrewsbury, with such high enrollment numbers, were placed in Division 2 and not D1.

The Herald also stated that Burlington High AD Shaun Hart, said the appeals process for teams to seek higher or lower positions “should be consistent across the board, and by placing teams alone, the football committee took steps beyond The Herald further saying that the most commonly used example was Chelsea, which would be placed in division 1 based on clear criteria, but in division 8 was under the proposed adjustment by the football committee. “

As the athletic director of a school, it should be my choice whether I set up a division or appeal, Hart said in the Herald story. Individual programs have to decide. Teams may not be placed at random.

The motion to approve the alignment of the football divisions was rejected by 11-5 against one abstention. The TMC approved the football committees’ proposal for a regular eight-week season with a tournament disc of sixteen teams across the eight divisions, the Herald said.

In boy hockey, the TMC approved the committee proposal for four divisions, but again there was disagreement on both sides about the placement of teams in certain divisions.

The ice hockey committee sent surveys to each school, and 143 schools responded with their desired division placement. Of those 143, 17 schools were moved to a division by the committee without those schools having gone through the proper TMC appeals process.

The motion to approve the alignment of the boys’ hockey divisions was rejected by 9-6 votes against, with one abstention.

It seems that the next meeting will take place in mid-July.


Former WHS Girls ‘Basketball coach Jay Keane was named MIAA’s Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year after leading the freshman Malden Catholic team into the state tournament. The team consisted of freshmen and sophomores, finishing 16-6, on their way to the semifinal of Division 4 North Sectional.

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