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Rocky Mountain Showdown is dead. The football season is on the verge. Here is a game worth saving.


We love football and money in America, sometimes more than our neighbors, or life itself.

In a year when a virus threatens to cancel the football season, some games are worth saving. However, the Pac-12 Conference opener for Colorado on the road in Arizona is not one of them. It is a health risk not worth taking.

You tell me, how traveling nearly 1,000 miles to play the Wildcats in the middle of a state currently under siege by the corona virus makes sense to the Buffs, while canceling a rival game a quick trip down the road to Colorado State is necessary to protect the health of student athletes?

On the same day that Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott revealed that he tested positive for COVID-19, the Buffs followed him on the same crooked path of false hopes and broken promises beckoning Colorado to join the conference ten years ago. CU Chancellor Phil DiStefano, who Dr. Scott’s Amazing Snake Oil swallowed as fast as Larry can boast, responded to the decision to cancel September non-conference games to play football against the Cougars and Utes well into the cold flu season, declaring: “Satisfied.

Pleased? Color me checked. Or, if you prefer, let’s stick to the more diplomatic words of CSU athletic director Joe Parker: we’re disappointed.

Colorado pulled out of the Rocky Mountain Showdown in Fort Collins on September 5 because the Buffs care more about cold-hard money than their neighbors. To suggest a higher purpose behind the decision would look suspiciously like a stack of Ralphie chips.

For clarity. CU athletic director Rick George doesn’t trust CSU to keep the Buffs safe, but he is open to the idea of ​​sending student athletes to play at pandemic hotspots in California and Arizona. Why? Track the money from Colorado’s annual payout of $ 32 million.

Hey, I like football. But this football season is on the brink and the health of the country is at unnecessary risk as we foolishly let the corona virus kick behind us for too long without fighting seriously. And now we want to angrily blame someone, everyone but ourselves for this mess.

This attitude of every football conference to itself is the same virulent selfishness that is reflected in the mirror and reveals shortcomings in the national character. If we can’t even agree on wearing masks, how can anyone expect us to scream if the pandemic has been in someone’s house, let alone in another state?

But I refuse to give up the magic of football teamwork. I don’t want the best of football lost. I want to believe that in 2020 there are games worth saving.

Therefore, on the same day that the Buffs had dumped the state of Colorado from this year’s schedule, I called Jaron Cohen, football coach at Ponderosa High, on the outskirts of the sprawling suburbs of Denvers. Football is his life. He feared the virus could fail this season for a program that serves as a touchstone in the lives of ten dozen prepat athletes and their families.

I had some concerns about it, I have to be honest, Cohen said.

It is hard to imagine that I would be playing football on August 28. It’s also hard for me to imagine a year when we don’t have high school sports. I think I was going to play. I just don’t know when.

Although COVID-19 cases are on the rise again in Colorado, I am rooting for the chance that we can beat the pandemic together, allowing Ponderosa to play Legend and Chaparral this fall. It’s the final season of prep football for quarterback Jack Hanenburg and his fellow seniors. However, the value of prep sports is about more than sentimental travel.

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