Samattiyadeekul finishes top 5 at Bama Beach Bash
The Southern Illinois women’s golf team took 12th place Tuesday at the 2023 Bama Beach Bash at Gulf Shores Golf Club in Gulf Shores, Alabama. The Salukis posted rounds of 308, 318 and 316 over the three-day event to finish the tournament with a score of 942 (+78).Janie Samattiyadeekulled SIU throughout the event, firing 76 on the final day and finishing tied for 5th with 7-over par.
Kylee Vaughan placed 78 to share for 37th place (+17).Ella Overstraatshot 84 to finish 61st (+28). Secilia I tied for 67th (+31) with an 83 on the day.Ayanna Habelfinished in 69th (+33) after 79 cards on the day. Compete as individuals,Morgan Gindlershared for 72nd (+37) andAdriana Vinterovabecame 80th (+60).
What’s next
The Salukis return to Carbondale, Illinois to prepare for the Pinetree CC Women’s Invitational on Monday, April 3. The event is hosted by Kennesaw State at the Pinetree Country Club in Kennesaw, Georgia.
1 ULM 300 293879 (+15)
2Colorado state 312 301 289 = 902 (+38)
3 State of Georgia 314 304 285 = 903 (+39)
4 Little Rock 303 308 296 = 907 (+43)
5 South Alabama 304 309 300 = 913 (+49)
6 Oral Roberts 303 308 304 = 915 (+51)
7 Memphis 312 307 301 = 920 (+56)
8 North Alabama 309 303 311 = 923 (+59)
9 Central Arkansas 306 302317 = 925 (+61)
10 Murray State 313 309 208 = 930 (+66)
11 Troy320 310 209 = 939 (+75)
12 Southern Illinois 308 318 316 = 942 (+78)
13UT Arlington 317 316 313 = 946 (+832)
14 UAB 319 319 320 = 958 (+94)
15 Lime wood 342 329 324 = 995 (+131)
Southern Illinois
T5 Janie Samattiyadeekul 73 74 76 = 223 (+7)
T37 Kylee Vaughan 74 81 78 = 236 (+17)
T61 Ella Overstraat 80 80 84 = 244 (+28)
T67Secilia I 81 83 83 = 247 (+31)
69Ayanna Habel 87 83 79 = 249 (+33)
T72 Morgan Gindler 87 81 85 = 253 (+37) *Individual
80 Adriana Vinterova 104 87 85 = 276 (+60)*Individual
Stay social
Follow the team on Twitter for the latest on Southern Illinois Women’s Golf (@SIU_WGolf), Instagram (@SIU_WGolf), and like the team’s official Facebook page (SIUWGolf).
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