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“The time has come:” The mayor of Manitoba calls on the hockey team to change their name


MORDEN, man. Brandon Burley felt his chest cramp as news spread that Washington’s National Football League team is going to change its controversial name. The Mayor of Morden thinks it’s the right decision, but also recognizes what it means for his rural Manitoba community.

“I’ll be the mayor of the last city in North America to have this name,” Burly said Monday.

He breathed a deep breath and added, “What an award, isn’t it?”

The senior hockey team in the small town of about 10,000 in southern Manitoba is called the Morden Redskins. The name was chosen about 25 years ago and accompanies a logo of a stereotypical native man with four feathers in his hair, a replica of the controversial Chicago Blackhawks logo to the National Hockey League.

Burley, 38, recently wrote a letter to the leadership of the hockey team requesting that the name and logo be changed. He said he would support all associated costs through fundraising and his own personal finances.

“We have a large number of indigenous people in our community,” he said. “The time has come when we can continue to offend them with something as simple as the name of a hockey team.”

Brent Meleck, the team’s general manager, said in an email that he is talking to club members about the name and logo.

“This can be a long process, but we’re looking at it,” he said.

Hockey is sacred in Morden, the mayor said. A motion to the city council in 2015 to change the name has failed. Back then, Burley said, he was indifferent.

The vote has sparked important discussions about the name in the community. It also prompted Burley to delve deeper into his own understanding of Canada’s relationship with the indigenous people. He learned much more about residential schools, high suicide rates among native youth, missing and murdered native women and girls and the impact of team mascots on native people.

About four years ago, he was driving through the city center with his young daughter when she saw the hockey team’s banner hanging on Main Street. The six-year-old asked, “What is a red skin?”

Burley said it felt like his heart was falling in his chest. It immediately became clear to him that there was no way to explain the name to his daughter. It was racist.

Burley was elected mayor in 2018 and said he understood that the hockey team’s name would have to disappear to build truly lasting relationships with the indigenous people in the community and surrounding First Nations.

He also said he knows that not everyone understands the damage the mascot can do. He believes his community is filled with good, friendly people who don’t want to continue racist stereotypes.

During the last ballot on the name of the hockey team, many supporters used Washington’s continued use of the name as justification, he said.

“Now that the NFL team in Washington is changing the name, it really takes away the last place we felt we had on this,” said the mayor.

“I ask leaders and members of our community to take a step to do the right thing.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published on July 13, 2020

By Kelly Geraldine Malone in Winnipeg

The Canadian press

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