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Landmarks and scenes as opening games of the World Para Hockey Championship approach

Landmarks and scenes as opening games of the World Para Hockey Championship approach


Team Canada visits local schools and interacts with Snowbirds, while China receives a special greeting; Shriners hold a pancake breakfast ahead of the tournament’s opener on Sunday

As one of the first teams to arrive in Moose Jaw for the Para Hockey World Championship, Team Canada has been doing its part over the past week to build interest and momentum for the event.

In addition to holding an on-ice session with the Regina Avengers parahockey team the day after arriving in town, members of the team also visited schools in the Prairie South School Division during the week and made the trek to 15 Wing to hang out with the Canadian Forces Snowbirds.

And if you’re wondering whether interest in the event has spread beyond Canada’s most infamous city, just watch Team China’s reception upon arrival at Regina’s airport – not just community members showed up showing up to welcome them, a Chinese dragon even performed a dance to bring good luck.

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s going on leading up to the Championship!

Those looking for a nice breakfast before playing the opening game of the World Para Hockey Championship on Sunday morning can do so at the Moose Jaw Events Center thanks to the Moose Jaw Shrine Club.

The local service organization organizes a pancake breakfast from 9 am to 11 am, prior to the first game between the Czech Republic and Korea.

Patrons can receive a plate full of pancakes and sausages for a monetary donation, with all proceeds supporting the activities of the Moose Jaw Shrine Club.

Best of all, every donation earns supporters a free ticket to the game between the Czech Republic and Korea!

Three games are scheduled on Sunday, as Italy takes on China at 3 PM and Germany and Norway close the first day at 7 PM.

Canada will play the opening game against Korea on Monday at 7 p.m

Tickets for each of the tournament’s matches are available at




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