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CRiver supports Offiong Edem’s Table Tennis Grassroot Project

CRiver supports Offiong Edem’s Table Tennis Grassroot Project


Prince Bassey Otu, the newly sworn-in governor of Cross River State, has been linked with strong interest in funding the catch-the-young table tennis program initiated by Nigeria’s top ranked female table tennis player, Offiong Edem, in a bid to promote Calabar as a table tennis player node in the region to be preserved.

Offiong Edem, the highly decorated Olympian and current holder of the European Women Table Tennis Cup, would earn the governor’s endorsement as she grew her mini table tennis tournament from a handful of local kids to interstate competition over the past three years. This year’s edition, which started on June 1, 2023, included more than a hundred children from Cross River, Abia, Akwa Ibom and Bayelsa states.

Delighted with Offiong Edem’s excellent qualities as a female role for the teens, Dr. Ms. Janet Ekpenyong, immediately former Health Commissioner of Cross River State, that the State Governor Prince Bassey Otu will not hesitate to support Offiong Edem’s vision and work with her to bring more superstars to the state and discover the nation.

The good thing about His Excellency, Governor Bassey Out, is that he has said several times that he is really interested in sports development and he believes that it is also a tool to get young people really involved, because he said it several times: politics should not be are the only way for young people to develop talent, there are several other ways.

When it comes to sports, it’s an area that you see more men, so for us to really see women doing so well, you know representing us and doing extremely well, we’re so proud of it. And the fact that she goes in there, wins and brings back the trophies is really amazing. It’s not about playing, it’s also about finding ways to give back, to create more impact, especially in the lives of the younger children. Dr. Ekpenyong noted.

Similarly, Ifeoma Isaac, the head coach of Abia State Table Tennis, expressed his gratitude to Offiong Edem for her wisdom and sacrifice in ensuring that children in the region learn and enjoy the game of table tennis.

I was very grateful when Offiong called me about the activities of the Foundation. I was so happy that one of us in this zone has played the game to an international level and as an Olympian can host such a match for the South East and South South Zone. I promised her all my support to make sure my team participated. This is the first time in our history that an Olympian has put her money, time and others out there to invest in base development in the zone. It’s not an easy task. I give her kudos for it.

The kids of Abia State showed a fighting spirit to win some games on the first day of the competition and according to Coach Ifeoma, the kids were super excited to see Offiong Edem and touch her personally.

Dr. Ekpenyong promised Offiong Edem, CEO, Offiong Edem Foundation to support her and bring her friends and family for the three-day event because of the enormous impact and value of the Foundations project.

We know that sport is one of those areas that you use as a means to actually get kids off the streets. So to really have someone like Offiong who has ventured into that territory and is now trying to give back to raise more Offiongs to do better than themselves, to me that’s great. She should be applauded and also supported. That will motivate even more young girls to take up sports and, of course, continue to represent the nation.

And you will agree that sport is very important. The Governor is someone who is very dedicated and passionate about ensuring that the young people can make real progress in whatever field or venture they decide to undertake.

I know he will want to invest in sports and everything that keeps our young people busy so that they don’t get involved in any kind of social vices. That will certainly interest him, so I am sure that he will attract real professionals. I mean, he may even work with Offiong to see how he can develop younger Cross Riverians and encourage them to venture into the sport.

The former health commissioner also pointed out that many young people earn money from sport because of the huge career benefits.

It’s an area that everyone should be interested in creating the likes of Ronaldo and the rest of the sports stars. It is something that any government that cares about its people should do their best to venture into. I am very confident that Prince Out will be willing to invest and also provide that necessary push so that sports can thrive in Cross River State.

Four state representatives and members of the organized private sector participated in the third Offiong Edem teen table tennis mini-tournament in Calabar, Cross River State.

During the event, which ended on Saturday, June 3, approximately 200 teenagers from Cross River, Akwa Ibom, Abia and Bayelsa states participated in the Foundation’s initiative to promote table tennis among youth in the area.

The competition started on Thursday, June 1, 2023, with a round-robin tournament and coaching clinic for players who will receive prizes and standard table tennis bats as part of their equipment to take home.

Teenage table tennis superstars Victor Ebong and Bright Jewel delighted spectators with an exhibition match during the opening ceremony. Both Offiong Edem and Hope Udoaka also played to thrill the audience.

Udoaka defeated Edem 11-6 in the friendly match.

Fascinated, the Secretary of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Akwa-Cross, Mr. Clinton Offiong said that members of the organized private sector are willing to support and participate in table tennis activities as corporate social responsibility and take advantage of the health and social opportunities van Offiong Edem Foundation has offered through table tennis.

Others who witnessed the opening ceremony include the commander of the 13th Brigade Calabar, Brigadier General EIOkoro, represented by Staff Sgt. Lucky Obaraye, Director of Sports University of Calabar, Dr. Blessing Anam, and Cross River State Director of Sports, Mr. Cocobassey Etim.

Also in honor of the mini-tournament were Cross River State Sports Commission Chairman Hon. Emmanuel Elom, Vice President State Table Tennis Association, Bishop Usen Umoh and Dr. Janet Ekpenyong, health commissioner under Governor Ben. Ayad




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