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Virginia Tech sends 11 to NCAA Outdoor Championships

Virginia Tech sends 11 to NCAA Outdoor Championships


Austin, Texas The Virginia Tech men’s and women’s track and field teams will travel to Austin, Texas June 7 – 10 to compete in the 2023 NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships.

The men’s team is represented by Cole Brook (100 meter), Nick Plant (800 meters), and Antonio Lopez Segura (5000m) on Wednesday and Friday.

The women’s team will compete on Thursday and Saturday represented by Barbara Stefova in the hammer throw, Kenna Stimmel, Julia Fixsen, Travel Gurley, Hayley Horvath in pole vault, Lindsay Butler in the 800 meters, Essence Henderson in both the shot put and discus throw, and Close Pyles in the triple jump.

2023 NCAA Outdoor Championships

Austin, Texas | Mike Myers Track and Football Stadium|Live results|Event overview| Start list – men, women

All broadcast links

Wed. | 19:30 |ESPN2

do. | 20:30 | ESPN2| Hammer throw 4:30 p.m ESPN+Pole vault 8:30 p.m ESPN+Shot put 10:30 p.m ESPN+

Free. | 21:00 | ESPN2

Sat. | 21:00 | ESPN2| Discussion 8:35 pm ESPN+Triple jump 21:10 ESPN+

no. 2 | Cbe hint| M 100m| 20:46 Semifinals
9 Advance: Top 2 each Heat plus next 3 best times

Senior Cole Brook broke his own record in the 100 meters out of school during the East Prelims, finishing second in the first round with a time of 10.05. In the quarterfinals, Beck earned his spot with the national champion by finishing second in his heat with a time of 9.87w. He finished fourth in the 100 meters at the ACC Championships crossing the line at 10:17 am. At the 2021 NCAA Outdoor Championships, Beck finished 12th with a time of 10.25.

No. 13 | Nick Plant| M 800m| 21:14 Semifinals |9 Advance: Top 2 each Heat plus next 3 best times

freshman Nick Plant finished first in the 2023 East Prelim quarter-finals with a time of 1:49.21. In the first round of the prelims he placed first in his heat with a time of 1:49.63. Plant finished first at the 2023 ACC Outdoor Championships clocking 1:47.41 in the 800m final, and clocked a personal best of 1:47.18 in the starters.

No. 24 | Bwore Stejfova| W Hammer Throw| 4:30 pm |

freshmanBarbara Stefova secured the last spot in the outdoor championships, finishing 12th on the East Prelims with a season-best throw of 202′ 11″ (61.85 m). Stejfova finished fifth at the ACC Championships with a score of 193′ 9″ ( 59.06m).

Julia Fixsen| W Pole Vault | 20:30 |ESPN+

2023 ACC Outdoor Champion Julia Fixsenplaced sixth on the East Prelims with a height of 13′ 10″ (4.22 m). At the conference championships, she won the event with a season-best height of 14′ 4.5″ (4.38 m). During the regular season, Fixsen won the UNF East Coast Relays with a height of 14′ 3.25″ (4.35 m). At the 2022 NCAA Outdoor Championships, she finished fifth (14′ 7.5″ (4.46 m) )).

Kenna Stimmel
| W Pole Vault | 8:30 IN THE EVENING

freshmanKenna Stimmelqualified for her first NCAA Outdoor Championship and placed fifth on the East Prelims with a height of 13′ 10″ (4.22 m). Stimmel achieved a season best height of 14′ 7.25″ (4.45 m) at the start of the regular season and finished fifth in the nation. She won the 2023 ACC Indoor Championships with a height of 14′ 5.25″ (4.40 m). Stimmel placed fourth at the NCAA Indoor Championships, clearing the bar at 14′ 5.25″ (4.40 m) .

Travel Gurley| W Pole Vault | 8:30 IN THE EVENING

Junior Travel Gurley earned her spot in the national league with a height of 13′ 6.25″ (4.12 m) with the East Prelims, placing eighth. Gurley finished fifth in the conference championships with a height of 13′ 8.5″ (4.18m). She finished 13th at the NCAA Indoor Championships, reaching a height of 13′ 9.25″ (4.20 m).

HAyley Horvath| W Pole Vault | 8:30 IN THE EVENING

SeniorHayley Horvath makes her first appearance on the national podium since the 2021 outdoor season and placed seventh at the 2023 East Prelims, clearing the bar at 13′ 10″ (4.22 m). Horvath placed fourth at the 2021 East Prelims when she equaled her personal best of 14’0″ (4.27m).

No. 7 |Lindsay Butler| W 800m | 10:14 PM9 Advance: Top 2 each Heat plus next 3 best times

2021 National Indoor800m Champion Lindsay Butler returns to the national podium to compete in the 800m. Butler placed fourth in the East Prelim quarterfinals, crossing the finish line with a time of 2:03.87. She placed second at the ACC Championships with a season-best time of 2:02.20. Butler qualified for nationals in both the 800 meters and mile in the indoor season, placing 16th in the 800 meters (2:03.13) and fifth in the mile (4:31.41). She chose to sit out the 800 meters and finished 10th in the mile with a time of 4:45.65. She won the 800 meters at the 2021 NCAA Indoor Championships with a time of 2:01.37.

No. 21Essence Henderson| W Shot Put| 10:30 pm | ESPN+

Senior Essence Henderson qualified for her fourth NCAA championship (third outdoors) and placed in the top 10 in both the shot put and discus throw at the East Prelims. In the shot put, Henderson was ninth with 54′ 9.5″ (16.70 m). She was seventh in the discus throw with 178′ 8″ (54.45 m). Henderson earned bronze in shot put at the 2023 ACC Outdoor Championships with a score of 16.81 m. She finished 11th in discus throw at the 2022 NCAA Outdoor Championships with a score of 53.60 m.

No. 24| Antonio Lopez Segura| M 5000m Final | 10:55 PM

Senior Antonio Lopez Segura qualified for his first NCAA Outdoor Championship and placed 10th in the East Prelim Semifinals with a time of 14:05.28. Lopez Segura won the 5000 meters conference title clocking 13:49.02. He placed third in the 10,000 meters with a time of 30:19.24. During the regular season, he broke the school record for the 10,000 meters with a time of 28:09.86 at the Bryan Clay Invitational.

no. 15| Essence Henderson| W Discus| 20:35 |

No. 9 | Close Pyles| WTriple Jump | 21:10 |ESPN+

Junior Close Pyles jumped a personal best of 44′ 2″ (13.46 m) on the East Prelims and placed seventh with her first attempt of the day. Pyles finished the regular season ranked 20th in the nation with a jump of 43′ 7, 75″ (13.30 m) in the Florida Relays. She placed second at the 2023 ACC Outdoor Championships with a score of 42′ 11″ (13.08 m).





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