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Stokes & Broad back Sixes Social Cricket for Ashes

Stokes & Broad back Sixes Social Cricket for Ashes


SportTech investment

England stars Ben Stokes and Stuart Broad have invested in the business behind an immersive cricketing experience ahead of next week’s first Ashes Test.

Captain Stokes and pace bowler Broad are part of 4CAST Investment Group, along with injured 50-over World Cup star Jofra Archer, KL Rahul and Jason Roy.

4CAST has supported Sixes Social Cricket, which has a vision of opening up the sport to as many people as possible – including US expansion.

Created by the founders of Scottish restaurant and butcher Mac & Wild, Calum Mackinnon and Andy Waugh, Sixes first opened its inaugural location in Fulham in December 2020, with a food and drink offering at the center of the experience.

There are now four locations in London, with further locations in Manchester, Birmingham and Leicester. Upcoming openings have also been confirmed for Brighton and Dallas, Texas, Sixes’ first international site – opening June 17.

England with Matthew Potts, Ben Stokes and Stuart Broad - Sixes Social Cricket

(lr) England with Matthew Potts, Ben Stokes and Stuart Broad

Powered by advanced sports technology and with challenge levels from complete novice to world class, players select their level, then step into the batting nets and test their batting skills against some of the world’s best bowlers. The object of the game is to score as high as possible by hitting the numbered targets around the nets.

Sixes & 4CAST will develop new game modes for guests to enjoy as part of the partnership, including the 4CAST bowling attack where players can test their skills against the likes of Broad and Archer.

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“We are delighted to announce our partnership with Sixes,” said legendary bowler Broad, who is approaching 600 Test wickets for England. As one of our first investments, we believe that Sixes is a fantastic concept that will bring new experiences and innovations to cricket while attracting new people to the sport.

We are all excited to be a part of its growth and development, especially with the US launch in June.

Sixes CEO & Co-Founder Mackinnon added: One of our fundamental beliefs at Sixes is that sport and hospitality have an unparalleled ability to unite and connect people for good and share good times. We look forward to sharing and building on this next phase of the Sixes journey with 4CAST and their athletes.

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