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NFL stars say #WeWantToPlay | FOX Sports


Several NFL stars took to Twitter on Sunday morning to express concerns about the league’s plan to return safely to play this fall. The reports then sent the NFL an email to its teams on Saturday with the dates that players should report to the training camp.

Using the hashtag # WeWantToPlay, players begged the league to establish guidelines for safely opening training camps around the coronavirus pandemic, including probably the league’s brightest star, Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes.

On July 7, the president of the players ‘association, JC Tretter, released a statement expressing players’ concerns about the training camp and the upcoming season.

Just over a week later, several high-profile players took part in a conference call with the NFLPA to discuss the upcoming season and the health and safety of the players, said ESPN’s Jeff Darlington.

After the call, players and the NFLPA worked closely together to create a unified message.

Requests from the NFLPA include daily tests, no preseason games, and a “ramp-up” period (21 days of strength and conditioning, 10 days of untrained training, and 14 days of “acclimatization”) after reporting to camp .

Anyway, without responding to the players’ specific requests, the NFL said on Saturday that rookies should report on Tuesday, quarterbacks and injured players on Thursday and all other players next Tuesday.

Mahomes and Tretter were not the only influential voices to speak out.

Houston Texans DEJ.J. Watt outlined the measures he wants to take to feel safe on the field.

New Orleans Saints QBDrew Brees is concerned that the 2020 season could be endangered if proper protocols are not implemented.

And SeattleSeahawks QB Russell Wilson called his pregnant wife’s health his main concern about going to training camp.

Several other stars also weighed in:

Arizona Cardinals WR DeAndre Hopkins

Chiefs of Kansas City Tyrann Mathieu

Cleveland Browns de Myles Garrett

San Francisco 49ers CB Richard Sherman

Buffalo Bills WR Stefon Diggs

And on Sunday Tretter once again addressed the situation.

According to reports, theNFLPA has not instructed players to voice their greviences on Twitter, but the union was responsible for the tweets being factual.

The NFLPA hopes to continue the meetings with the league to smooth out the details of the league’s plans for practices, testing, opt-out clauses and other factors that concern players.

This is a developing story.

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