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NHL allows players to return home as COVID-19 restrictions increase


The break for the national hockey leagues in the 2019-20 season will not end soon.

After the Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention called for a halt to rallies of more than 50 people on Sunday, the NHL and the NHL Players Association released memos to league players on Monday, outlining the latest protocols.

Last week, players were asked to return to their original bases, isolate themselves, and wait for further instructions in the hope that they could start using. club facilities for skating and training in the not too distant future.

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That changed on Monday. As international air travel becomes more and more limited, players are now allowed to return home, including outside of North America, as far as flights are available.

When they arrive at their destination, they are requested to continue the self-quarantine until March 27 at least, or longer if required by local authorities.

If the spread of COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus is brought under control in the coming weeks, the league suggests that it will work towards the opening of a training camp period in approximately 45 days.

The CDC's 60-day schedule will continue until mid-May, which normally corresponds to the second or third round of the playoffs.

Regular season action was halted after last Wednesday's games, with 11-14 games left on each team's schedule. The league has already indicated that it will consider playing games in July, but NHL commissioner Gary Bettman has also said he wants the 2020-21 season to go as smoothly as possible. habit. A deadline must be set at a given time, to allow time for off-season business such as draft and free agency.

Bettman also said that the awarding of the Stanley Cup is a priority. There have only been two occasions since 1893 when the trophy was not awarded in 1919, when the Stanley Cup final was interrupted after five games due to an influenza epidemic Spanish, and in 2005, due to the lockout that wiped out all of 2004-05. season.

If the season can resume, we could see a completely different playoff format possibly including more teams than the usual 16.

When the game was suspended last week, only four Western Conference and five Eastern Conference teams were more than four points from a playoff game.

Players in the league keep in touch with fans via social media.

To date, no player or officer of the NHL is known to have given a positive result in the COVID-19 test. Positive tests have been confirmed for a part-time arena worker SAP Sharks Center in San Jose and an office worker with the Vancouver Canucks.

Last Thursday, the Sharks announced that the SAP Center employee last worked on March 3. The local health authority has determined that the risk to the public from this exposure is low and that no additional precautions are necessary.

Canucks chief operating officer Trent Carroll said in a statement on Sunday that the team closed its offices on Monday and is preparing staff to work from home as much as possible. Carroll also pointed out that the local public health authority has confirmed that the public risk of exposure to this case is low, as the affected staff member has no role in front of fans in the Organization and has no contact with players, hockey operations staff or part-time staff of the arena.

Many league teams have come together to offer some form of support or compensation to arena staff who will lose income due to missed events.

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