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Ferris hockey coaches trust in their commitment from Cade Kowalski



BIG RAPIDS – Ferris State hockey coach Bob Daniels loved what he saw from Cade Kowalski last season.

But he’s especially looking forward to what he could get from the Bulldog sophomore from Manitoba during the 2020-21 campaign.

“I thought he had a great growing season,” said Daniels. “He scored his first goal of the year in the last game of the year. But his game continued to improve and got better as the season progressed. I thought he had the biggest improvement from all our freshmen from start to finish last year.

“He was really lacking in strength when he started. All season long he worked closely with (assistant coach) Dave Cencer who put him on a special program. He is a very smart player and as his strength improved you could see his confidence grow. Suddenly he can play on the ice. ‘

The coaches, Daniels said, have invested a lot of time in Kowalski.

“He saw quite a bit of the Ice Age, although he probably wanted more,” said Daniels. “But for a player who only scored one goal all year, he saw a lot of time, but that’s because we saw a lot in him. We see him continue to improve throughout his career and be a very good player. ”

Daniels is convinced that Kowalski can score a lot this season.

“You don’t always pick up where you left off,” said Daniels. “I don’t see it take him long to get up to speed again. I think he will be hungry all the time to improve himself. We have made a decision to put it at the center of it and I think it has blossomed there. ‘

Kowalski played his junior hockey for Mike Reagan of the Flin Flon Bombers in the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League and was traded to the Bombers for the last 21 games of the regular season and nine games of the playoffs.

He finished the 2018-19 season with 22 goals and 44 assists for 66 points in 54 SJHL matches between Weyburn and Flin Flon. He was better than one point per game with both teams and led Flin Flon in playoff points with 11 points in nine games.

Kowalski played 58 games with Weyburn in 2017-18, scored 60 points in 58 games and was SJHL Co-Rookie of the Year in 2017-18. He also played two games with the Winkler Flyers in the Manitoba Junior Hockey League (MJHL) in 2016-17. Kowalski played his youth hockey for Pembina Valley and had 236 points in Canadian / American mid hockey in 81 games from 2014-2016.

Assistant coach Ferris Drew Famulak first saw Kowalski in action.

“He promised us about a year and a half before he came,” said Daniels.

Born in Morden, Manitoba, Kowalski played baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf, and badminton for the Morden High School Thunder.

He also helped raise $ 17,000 for the Humboldt Broncos who were involved in the tragic bus crash in 2018, killing 16 people and injuring 13.

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