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AHSAA approves plan to launch Alabama HS football on time next month


The high school football season in Alabama starts on time.

The AHSAA Central Board of Trustees approved a timely return to game plan at its Wednesday meeting in Montgomery.

Executive Director Steve Savarese has consistently maintained that he was extremely optimistic that Alabama teams would start on time, unless Governor Kay Ivey or the state health service decides otherwise. Savarese will hold a press conference on Thursday at 1:00 pm to reveal specific details of the return-to-play plan.

Fall sports teams have the option to start training on Mondays, with the first week used by football for acclimation purposes using only helmets and shorts. The other autumn sports volleyball, cross-country skiing and swimming and diving can be used for acclimatization and tryouts during the first week. Schools that do not choose that option can begin fall practice on August 3.

The first game may officially be August 20.

The goal of the Return to Play document is to provide AHSAA member schools with best practices to start the 2020-21 school year athletic seasons as planned and as safely as possible, Savarese said in a press release Wednesday afternoon.

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Interestingly, already 15 school districts in Alabama have chosen to start the academic year entirely online. No word yet on whether they will postpone the start of their athletic seasons. There are no AHSAA statutes that prevent virtual students from participating in extracurricular activities.

“I think it’s an excellent decision,” said St. Paul’s episcopal soccer coach and athletic director Steve Mask on the board vote on Wednesday. It is well thought out. It is one that takes into account the total experience of student athletes. I am enthusiastic for all children in all fall sports.

St. Pauls is scheduled to open the 2020 football season against McAdory at home on August 21. Yellow Jackets coach Bart Sessions also said he agreed with the vote to return in time to play.

Absolutely. 100 percent, Sessions said. I think our entire state that you never agree with 100 percent I think, but every coach I have interacted with from the Gulf Coast to Tennessee and everything in between has been very conscientious with best practices since we came back in June and I think it’s ready to Go. I think we learned one thing during this pandemic: to consider and enjoy every day as a blessing. That’s exactly what we’re going to do at McAdory.

Barry Davenport, an up-and-coming senior and college prospect at Chickasaw High, said he is comfortable playing this season and is excited to get started.

I am overwhelmed that we will have our final year, he said. We worked hard all summer. Today we got the answer we wanted. Now I’m ready to get it started. I personally believe that everything will be safe. I know that our coaches have taken the right steps to decontaminate equipment and be as far away as possible, and I think the other teams will do the same. I am very comfortable.

RELATED: Plans for reopening of Alabama K-12 schools

Other states were not so decisive in making progress.

California announced on Monday that it will postpone the start of the 2020 football season until at least December. It can take until mid-April. That did not seem a viable option in Alabama.

We also want to protect our other sports, Savarese said Tuesday at a media day event in Opelika. We don’t want to take away the spring sports season. Many of our children play multiple sports. We want to have a normal season in every sport.

Georgia announced on Monday that it will postpone the start of the season by two weeks, a decision affecting several Alabama teams with Georgia squads on their schedule. After a marathon, five-hour zoom meeting on Monday night, the Florida High School Athletic Association Board voted to move forward next week, although several Florida counties have announced they will not start on time due to COVID concerns.

Texas announced on Tuesday that it would postpone the game in its two largest classes by a month, while the other classes will start on time. Later Wednesday, Tennessee has announced a flexible plan that allows teams to start the season as early as August 21 or late September 18.

Tennessee is currently under a state of emergency to prevent game contact practices. The order will expire on August 29 if it is not canceled before.

The rules and guidelines adopted by the board today will take effect immediately for all sports, said Bernard Childress, TSSAA Executive Director. We hoped that the ban on contact sports would be lifted by August 29, but if not, the board of directors has put in place a number of policies to protect our children and communities and to prepare a roadmap for the start of our football and girl football seasons.

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