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Slinger Bag partners with the U.S. Tennis Association Mid-Atlantic Section (USTA MAS) for Summer Community Challenge OTC Markets: SLBG


Players with the highest score win Challenge Slinger Bags

BALTIMORE, July 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Slinger Bag Inc. (OTC: SLBG) Garland bag, a sports brand that pioneered the first portable tennis ball launcher for players of all levels, today announced the partnership with the United States Tennis AssociationMid-Atlantic section (USTA MAS) #ServeItForwardJunior Team Summer Community Challenge. The competition, which runs through August 31, encourages junior tennis players to participate in a points race that celebrates team play and activities that give back to the tennis community. High scorers win prizes, including the Slinger Bag Tennis Ball Launcher that features proprietary technology in a lightweight, portable 24/7 training partner that can be set up in any open space, such as a driveway or a local park, so players never have a day of practice.

USTAMid-Atlantic Sections Junior Team Summer Community Challenge is free and open to all junior tennis players. The program encourages teams of four to six players to earn points by participating in tennis activities and community engagement. Individuals earn points for the team, and the team can also earn points by doing activities together. Activities include team competitions and exercises, participating in virtual tennis events and participating in community support, ranging from volunteering at a local tennis club to helping a neighbor in need.

The USTA Mid-Atlantics Junior Challenge is fully in line with Slingers’ mission to make tennis more available as a way to encourage current and new tennis players to play more often, said Mike Ballardie, chief executive officer of Slinger Bag. Exposing young people to tennis and giving them the opportunity to play tennis more often is one of the most important things we as an industry do to promote a lifelong love of tennis and develop stars of tomorrow.

We are excited to start the Junior Team Summer Community Challenge with the support of Slinger so that more young people can get involved in tennis in a fun and easy way and get the healthy benefits of the sport, said Tara Fitzpatrick-Navarro chief executive officer from USTA Mid-Atlantic section. Pendulum involvement adds an unparalleled excitement that we know will inspire young people to continue in their tennis and community activities through the Challenge.

The collaboration with Slinger Bags runs until mid-September. Sling Bag Tennis Ball Launchers will be presented as prizes to high scorers and will be displayed in signage, collateral material and online messages.

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Data USTA Mid-Atlantic Section:
TheUnited States Tennis Association Mid-Atlantic Section(USTA MORE) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and developing the growth of tennis. One of the 17 sections of the United States Tennis Association, USTA MAS, offers high-quality recreational and competitive programs for people of all ages and abilities. The organization strives to grow tennis in the Mid-Atlantic by creating accessible and inclusive opportunities that enrich life socially, emotionally and physically by connecting all generations to lifelong tennis. USTAMAS has been part of the official governing body for tennis in America since 1923, serving nearly 33,000 members in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and East and South West Virginia. Tennis players of all ages and levels are involved in competitions, tournaments and programs approved by the section. Follow USTA Mid-Atlantic on Facebook (@ustamas), Twitter (@USTAMidAtlantic) and Instagram (@ustamas) for the latest tennis information in the Mid-Atlantic.

About Slinger Bag:
Garlandis a new sports brand that focuses on providing innovative game improvement technologies and equipment in all ball sports categories. With the vision to become a next-generation sports consumer products company, Slingerimproves the skill and fun of players of all ages and levels. Garlandis primarily focused on building his brand in the global tennis market, through his slingTennis ball launcher and accessories. Garlandhas supported its proof-of-concept with over $ 1 million in sales of its Tennis Ball Launcher led by CEO Mike Ballardie (former Prince CEO and Wilson EMEA racket sports manager) Slingeris now ready to continue to disrupt what traditional world markets are with its patent pending, highly transportable and affordable GarlandLauncher.

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