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At 65 and 209 pounds, Portland Trail Blazers shooting guard Gary Trent Jr is ready for the challenge of sliding over to play more minutes on small forward.

In 53 games that were on backup watch this season, the 21-year-old scored an average of 7.7 points, 1.7 rebounds and 0.9 assists in just his second year in the league, while averaging 20 minutes per game.

There is no doubt that Trent has made a big leap from his rookie season to his sophomore year.

He also had some extra guidance this season.

When the Blazers brought back the future Hall of Famer Carmelo Anthony in November, Melo not only helped the Blazers with their game on the field because of his own performance, but no surprise here, Melo has also become a very influential mentor to the youth players like Trent .

It’s not just because GTJ will be playing more of the three that Melo has partnered with Trent, but Melo has seen a lot in the young revolver since the beginning of the season.

[Listen to the latest Talkin Blazers Podcast with hosts NBA Champion Channing Frye and Emmy Award winner Dan Sheldon].

It also helps that Anthony already had a good relationship with Gary Trent Sr.

From the first day since he arrived here, he took me under his wing, said Trent Jr. after training on Tuesday about Melo. He knew my dad who was clearly playing, so now to see me as a connection that’s exactly the type of guy Melo is. He will always watch out. For example, just the other day I went to the market, he bought me a sandwich. Such little things – making sure you’re always good, making sure you’re always taken care of. That’s just who he is.

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This season, along with Trents’ ability and willingness to improve the defensive end, gave him more playing time. Yes, injuries also played a part in his bigger role this season, but there’s no denying that Trent took his chance and ran with it.

Over the past two weeks, as Portland transitioned from individual to team workouts, Melo has been very complementary to Trents’ work ethic and his drive to improve.

Someone like Gary, the way he works and how hard he works when he’s on the field, the little things he does are very helpful to him and us as a team. The way he scribbles, the way he cuts, the way he moves, the way he defends, the way he wants to learn I think the most important part is his willingness to learn and how he can get better know how to get better. Trail Blazers veteran Carmelo Anthony on Gary Trent Jr.

During the 2019-20 season, Trent’s teammates raved about his confidence on both sides, and Trent knows that’s where it all starts – believing in yourself.

I am sure. I am ready to play any position I can on the floor to help this team – defend, score, I can take down open shots. I’m just here to do my job. – Gary Trent Jr.

But how does he feel about guarding bigger boys at the 3?

He’s good with it. Without hesitation.

Sure, that’s fine, Trent said of defending bigger players like he did in practice while guarding both Nassir Little and Mario Hezonja.

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Trent has also spent time guarding Damian Lillard and CJ McCollum during the team’s scrimmages. There is no doubt that its versatility on that end of the floor will go a long way in the Blazers reboot.

After training on Tuesday, McCollum guaranteed that once the Trail Blazers signal the resumption of the 2019-20 season next week, people will notice Trent even more than they already did this year.

Gary looked great. He has NBA DNA. He works hard. He wants to be good and he listens, so I think hell has been an impact player for a long time. Hell certainly helps us, not only in the near future, in the present with these eight games, but I think you will like what you see of him. He is definitely a special player. – CJ McCollum

NBA DNA and Melo as a mentor are certainly helpful.

Discover what Trent Jr. and will bring the rest of the Blazers to the table when Portland’s return to court on July 31 tips against the Memphis Grizzlies on NBCSNW.

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