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49ers had a third round on George Kittle, but gambled in the 2017 NFL Draft


The 49ers have received permission from Santa Clara County officials to open a training camp in time on Thursday at the team practice facility near Levis Stadium, NBC Sports Bay Area sources said.

Neither the county, nor the 49ers have made an announcement of the agreement to open the camp on time, but the parties are known to be in constant communication during the coronavirus pandemic. The groups have held recent virtual conferences to discuss concerns and answer questions.

One of the issues raised by county health officials was concerns that COVID-19 testing for 49ers players, coaches and staffers would affect the community. But the NFL partnered with BioReference Laboratories, which will handle the tests for all 32 teams. The 49ers 40-foot trailer for testing has been on site since Friday.

The 49ers rookies, quarterbacks and injured players must report to Santa Clara for testing on Thursday. Those players isolate themselves on Friday and Saturday before taking a second test on Sunday. Those with two negative tests are allowed to attend the team facility on Monday for physicals, be equipped for equipment, and start training.

The rest of the experienced players will need to sign up for COVID-19 testing on Tuesday, July 28. Those players will isolate for the next two days before taking a second test on July 31. Those with two negative tests may report to the teams’ training complex on Saturday, August 1.

All players are tested daily from day 5 through day 14 of the training camp. If the positive test rates for players, coaches and staff members in close contact with the football team are less than five percent, the tests will be moved every other day after two weeks.

For many of the new 49ers players, it is their first time in Santa Clara. The NFL canceled the offseason programs for each team this spring, as all meetings were held via video conferencing.

At a time when corporate, indoor activity and large group gatherings are still limited, some county officials believe players from the country’s most talked-about sport have the platform to set an example for the community by wearing masks during training, a source told NBC Sports Bay Area.

The 49ers have made many changes to their exercise facility to take into account new social distance requirements. Areas of the facility are cordoned off to everyone except the top two levels of team workers. The 49ers also have the option to create more space by using multiple dressing rooms in the Levis Stadium.

Hand disinfection stations have been set up in the offices of the team, the gym, the dressing room and the cafeteria. Corridors are set up with arrows on the floors to direct foot traffic and encourage individuals to stay more than six feet apart.

All tables and chairs have been removed from the team cafeteria and the cafeteria staff are stationed behind plexiglass to fill food orders in take-away containers.

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It is not yet known when official training on the field can begin during the training camp. The NFL and the Players Union have agreed to cancel the exhibition season.

The 49ers’ first game is scheduled for Sunday, September 13 against the Arizona Cardinals at Levi’s Stadium.

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