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Japan Premier League is launched under a cloudy sky


Cricket action returned to Japan today with the start of the Japan Premier League.

The league sees five teams compete for the title and will take place in three days. The action started at 10:30 AM (JST) with four games scheduled to take place every day, although only two could be completed today due to bad weather.

The final of the competition would take place on July 25 at 2:30 PM, but has already moved to 10:30 AM on the 26th, with further stoppages pushing that last game back to 2:30 PM.

The teams in the league consist of players who excelled at the T20 Japan Cup from each region. This means that each team has established Japanese national players in their ranks, along with exciting young talents and star players from further afield.

Japan Premier League

The East Kanto Sun Risers are last year’s champions, beating the hurricanes in the 2019 event. Last year’s win was reported to be an unexpected victory for the Sun Risers, but any team that can win a championship should not be discounted. The team, led by Tsuyoshi Takada, has experienced a major staff change in this year’s competition, bringing both surprise and inexperience. If the new talent can quickly adapt to the requirements of the tournament, the team must be competitive again. In addition to the Japanese talents within the squad, the Sun Risers can rely on Sanjaya Yapabandara, who delivers a very effective off-spin in T20 cricket and can score quickly; during the tournament he must be a real asset to his team.

Last year’s losing finalists, the West Kanto Hurricanes, were so close to claiming their first Japanese Premier League title. There is a sense of consistency within the ranks of the hurricanes, with the core group of players remaining stable with a few top-notch additions. The team has further strengthened their team with the captain of the national team, Masaomi Kobayashi. Now that Tomoki Ota is leading the team but can get the thoughts of the Kobayashi up, it means spectators can see tactically masterful cricket that helps the team get across the line in close encounters. After last year’s performance, there will almost be an expectation such as pressure for hurricanes to compete in the final stages of the competition.

Game one of the JPL was reduced to a 6-over side issue

The North Kanto Lions finished third in last year’s league, a much improved performance from previous seasons. The lions must ensure they maintain the momentum of the 2019 season to ensure that the team continues their improved results. The team has been strengthened and the new addition Hanif Khan has taken the lead. The Lion appeals to one of the more diverse playing groups of all five Japan-based teams, and with players with roots in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India and Japan, hopes this variety of experience will help them improve last year.

The South Kanto Super Kings will try to avoid a repeat of last year’s disappointing season. The team is a three-time Japan Premier League champion and has the pedigree to quickly return to the later stages of the competition. Prior to the start of the tournament, there was a lot of positivity surrounding the Super Kings, with Manoj Bhardwaj quoted as We (The South Kanto Super Kings) being 100% sure of winning and showing our full potential. As long as the Super Kings can control their confidence during the match, Bhardwaj-based supporters should be in for a treat.

The last team to enter the competition are the Kansai Chargers; a new addition to this year’s Japan Premier League. The expansion of this year’s league is truly testament to the hard work and passion the Japan Cricket Association has put into growing cricket in recent years. The team is largely unknown in terms of their ability to perform in the tournament, but teams should not discount them and the Chargers, like all teams, have a chance to reach the final.

New technical collaboration for the JCA

The tournament can be followed through the devotee middle game, where both live streaming and match information is made available. There is a plan for each of the group matches to be shown through one camera, with the finale shown through two cameras and the action from the finale accompanied by commentary. The live streaming could be achieved through the collaboration between the Japan Cricket Association and the Australian digital sports company InteractSport. The deal not only sees the Japanese Premier League being streamed, but also the Embassy Cup.

The Japan Cricket Association CEO, Naoki Miyaji, has mention the Association is pleased to present the highest level of cricket in Japan to all our fans at home and abroad. We (the Japan Cricket Association) hope everyone will enjoy watching the games and seeing the skills available.

The start of the Japane Premier League is not the only exciting news coming from Japan. Extensive works have recently been completed on Kaizuka Cricket Ground. The area worked by volunteers was expanded by approximately 500 square meters and is now the largest cricket center in the west of the country. It will host its first matches later this year.

Japan Cricket continues to go through an era of growth, with the U19 team participating in the most recent World Cup. While cricket is not new in Japan, this period in cricket’s history may continue to grow, making cricket an important sport in the country.

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